Did you know an average humans sanity only lasts about 72 hours in solitary confinement? S...

Pyromaniac July 16, 2016 12:57 pm

Did you know an average humans sanity only lasts about 72 hours in solitary confinement? So, if you sat in that room with them for about 4-6 days, two hours each day.. they'd probably go insane ^^ Anyway, If my finger was bitten (by my crush) I'd punish him depending on the wound. Piercing his dick or cutting a Cheshire smile in his face then stitching it up would do. or burning his throat..
sorry this is so long! If you're still reading this, sorry!

    bunnynoir13 July 16, 2016 1:32 pm

    wow, that's twisted...not that I wouldn't be one to retaliate either if someone bit my finger. But, common sense, she couldn't have been in serious harm if there was no blood on her. Like if she knocked herself out by banging her head on the ground. plus since she's chained and the ceiling is high, and she has nothing to stand on she can't use her clothes to hang herself. Moreover,if she bit her tongue off-which i doubt as she seems to be worried about her family's finances-there would be blood seeping out of her mouth. air go, she would be breathing.

    the mc, really should've thought more carefully about that...but, I wonder how he will retaliate.

    Oh, and where you get those stats, Pyromaniac, for losing your sanity? it sounds interesting? and Omg I can't believe the manga sited the Stanford prison experiment.

    Pyromaniac July 16, 2016 2:11 pm
    wow, that's twisted...not that I wouldn't be one to retaliate either if someone bit my finger. But, common sense, she couldn't have been in serious harm if there was no blood on her. Like if she knocked herself... bunnynoir13

    Hahh.. I researched the confinement thing, and some people do go insane after a period of time. Since they were criminals, their minds should have been different, but a few of them went insane after about a week or less. I read this in an article online.. The MC off Ajin said something quite similar to this as well. And since shes a very.. 'prideful' girl..? i don't think she would commit suicide after reading the rules, she would be determined to guess his name, I could see that happening.

    bunnynoir13 July 17, 2016 12:11 am

    yeah, I know she's to prideful to commit suicide. but, I am curious...if the yakuza guy thought the MC, had an off vibe, and the MC is at least able to figure out that they are in a competition against one another...he might be incredibly warped. ooh, I hope he has multiple personality like his supervisor said, or i can't wait to see how he disassociates. I just love how they reference the Stanford prison experiment.

    bunnynoir13 July 17, 2016 12:18 am
    yeah, I know she's to prideful to commit suicide. but, I am curious...if the yakuza guy thought the MC, had an off vibe, and the MC is at least able to figure out that they are in a competition against one anot... bunnynoir13

    BUUT, i don't like how the manga shows the prison experiment being violent. Dr. zimbardo, the pyschology professor who orchestrated it, and played the role of warden, made it clear that no violence was allowed. the only thing that came close to getting physical was when one of the guards, who's a passive sadist, made the prisoners submit to his will by forcing them to get in each other's personal space and tell each other that they loved them,on bang on the walls of the prisoner's cells and shout insults to mess with their sleep and make them disoriented, take away cigarettes, mattress, and even lock them in the hole-a janitorial closet not large enough to crouch in...but, yeah psychological war fare and sleep is a big one. I mean hitler would have evening radio drills that would issue propaganda because thats when people were least aware/fatigued. something similar happened with rawanda as well. moreover, isolating the party (be it tutsi or the jewish population), and slowly take away human rights and even their names dehumanized people. if the MC were smart I'd start by messing with her sleep,,,not to sound sick.