Yup i agree with u, if this focus more on self-discover it can be a good webtoon, but on the other hand it also can be like in one manga it's called Watashi ga koibito ni nareru... where FL and 3 others girls with each of them she did interact like dating, kissing etc. Here since we have 3 girls it can may be similar our FL can interact with each of them on different lvl. And im not so sure if this is what i would like to read again, like she did end up with feeling for three of them and had to choose who will be her gf. Like u said this has a potential but there was webtoons with potential but it wasn't used.

i think you entirely missed something the MC only knew about the room listing because she was on a forum or site for lesbians and she even states because she was curious and had had a crush on a girl before and moved in not knowing due to her haste to get out of her ABUSIVE mothers house and lets face it she is NOT straight seeing as how she starts the whole heart beating faster bit while speaking to the woman who caught her from falling so no not straight and not really having their sexuality forced on her so much and lets face it at the end of the day she is basically RUNNING AWAY FROM AN ABUSIVE MOTHER . keep reading the mother is the biggest issue in this period and a huge case of inferiority complex that was caused by her over achieving little sister which caused her already FUCKED UP mother to treat her like she was less than human because she could not do the same things her little sister could which sadly is quite typical of many Asian mothers who PUSH AND PUSH their children to be WHAT THE PARENT wants their child to be
I hope this will be more about self-discovery than 3 lesbians forcing their way into her space, because that is harming to the community.
This story has potential, and while I am not enjoying the erasure of other sexualities, the pink-haired woman clearly stated that she wanted only lesbians living there. It's her house and her rules, it may not be fair to bi, pan, etc women, but that's just how it is.
Also just because someone doesn't know most gay lingo doesn't mean they are necessarily straight or faking, some baby gays don't know as much as we do and it's our job to help them become more comfortable in their skin and self-identity.
I hope the author of this story knows what they are doing because this can either go moderately well, or horribly wrong!
Anyways, HWAITING!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Waiting on another chapter!