All the more reason for him to have accepted her idea to dissolve the engagement. He had the chance to not deal with her at all. Why should he care that she suddenly doesn't like him if he doesn't like her? I think a lot of these princes have a narcissus streak cuz they always think too much of the idea that the MC doesn't like them anymore.

you must have missed the part where their engagement was all about politics, from the very beginning. He needs to marry her to solidify his standing as crown prince, because her family is fairly powerful (I believe?) Or at least because she's a suitable stand in for crown princess. He didnt like her, and he's slowly realising she doesnt like him.
Dont forget, she's also the one who first suggested the engagement.

I didn't forget the politics. But if he's gonna be pissy over every thing she does then all the more reason to find a better way for himself. She gave him an out. He didn't take it. He knows that he doesn't like her and her past behavior. BUT SHE GAVE HIM AN OUT.
Now he's following her around and criticizing everything she does. Why? At the very least live your life and leave her alone. You don't like her anyway. Who the fuck gets super involved with someone they don't like unnecessarily?
He's the one that invited her to a social function, but did not escort her. And then he gets upset that his right hand man doesn't mind her company? He can fuck off with that. He wants the political benefit of being her fiancé. Well he got it. For everything else I don't see why he doesn't chill. She isn't required to follow him like a love sick puppy. If anything he should be happy for it because he can keep his little side bitch if she isn't in his business like that.
Ok but you have to realise he was dealing with the original lesian before. He doesnt trust her at all, understandably. It isnt normal for someone to so drastically change behaviours; she's a special case, but he doesnt know that.