Sry but wtf yu is just a bitch ass who favors sora way too much… like bitch if u think t...

Skdoq June 13, 2021 11:29 pm

Sry but wtf yu is just a bitch ass who favors sora way too much… like bitch if u think that sora is all great why don’t u try getting gang raped and beaten up everyday by ppl u hate… and then becoming basically brainwashed into thinking u love that person and then literally having withdrawal symptoms if u don’t have sex everyday… and lets say that the same person decided to keep poking on ur trauma till u break then they start acting like they’re doing it for ur sake… then that same person and everyone around u who also raped u tried to act like nothing happened and treats u like ur weird for resisting… like fucking yu needs to shut up unless he wants me to shove a fist up his ass and slam his head on the wall and break his fucking skull… like I tried to put up w yu’s bs but he literally tries to act all cute while ignoring his and everyone else’s except taiyo’s mistakes… like who tf r u saying is more pitiful also fucking sora needs to get away from taiyo cuz I honestly want taiyo to return to before he met sora cuz then he wouldn’t be brainwashed into thinking he needs sora and sex… also sora needs to start acting on his word like wtf does he mean by regretting his actions like sora doesn’t act like he regrets shit rather he seems happy that taiyo broke like if sora actually wanted to help taiyo recover then sora should beg for forgiveness and actually try to help taiyo recover from being a sex addict also sora should just get tf away from Tiago cuz taiyo associates sora to sex since he was raped and beaten up that many times… sora needs to fuck off and literally everyone else too mostly if they don’t plan on siding w taiyo

    B4chplease June 14, 2021 12:31 am

    I didn’t read it all (too much to read). All you’re saying is the last sentance basically, lol

    corrin_1979 June 14, 2021 2:51 am
    I didn’t read it all (too much to read). All you’re saying is the last sentance basically, lol B4chplease

    But the whole thing was a sentence XD

    B4chplease June 14, 2021 11:14 am
    But the whole thing was a sentence XD corrin_1979

    No. The sora needs to fuck off part