I think you have a valid point and I agree with the latter that he most likely doesn't want to owe him anything later but not that Yoon is a masochist I mean i am pretty sure he doesn't like being hurt and the mc's redemption arc would be for naught if he is so it's highly unlikely and more just a way to keep them connected for the plot ot move forward cause otherwise they would probably just go their separate ways in this case.
Could it be because he saw that the director kinda doesn’t want to get further involve w him (the “I won’t ruin u again” might have translate into “I won’t get involve w u again” by Yoon) so when he kissed director yet was pushed away Yoon said “hwadae” to make them connected by some type of relationship (in this case Hwadae)
Maybe Yoon is a masochist and want to continue to be involved w the person who hurt him so bad idk we saw that Yoon had some type of feeling for jung else y would he sleep w jung in the beginning and did not ask for anything tho his affection for jung might have come from “gratefulness to director helping him” until that persona was shattered
Or I could totally be wrong and Yoon just doesn’t want to “own” director anything w director spending so much money to get the reshoot of his org script done idk It could be one or the other or neither