I think, what Hiroto (manager) meant was the way Haru (19-years old boy) hold them. Sure, it is expected that youngsters (or in general a majority of Asian countries) can eat with chopsticks but there is a "proper" way to hold them (at least in Japan). One, many Japanese people, even adults, don't know or can't use. Chopsticks are a crucial part in their culture, so it's always a pleasant surprise if you meet someone who does it correctly, I guess. That's why Hiroto was probably a bit suprised about Haru's way of holding the chopsticks.
Check out: Japanology Plus - Chopsticks Japan. It's an interesting 30 Min. video from which I have that small information. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umSCd-_GCLI)
The part about holding chopsticks starts at 9:40.
I hope that helped clearing your confusion :)
I found it weird that he said the dude was young but could hold chopsticks correctly... Hell at 19, it should be a given that you can hold them correctly... He said it like the opposite was more frequent which shouldn't be the case in Asia.