Seth is a god of war dude ! He is a legit GOD of war , remember Osiris said that Seth never lost a battle ,and Seth even prosecuted the gods in rage ,do u think they'd dare to stop his rage when they know very well they'll die cause just think they'd be going against the god of war himself ,dude that's like suicide mission and do really think they'll be able to withstand Seth's rage and wrath especially when he lost his mind and went berserk,no way in hell they'd stand any chance against a god of war IN a war ,it makes all sense why they all hid themselves and didn't fight against Seth .

But Horus, using the power of other gods, while being a demigod himself, really had Seth going. They could have pulled this earlier. Did they specifically need Horus for it? I don’t remember if they did tbh, but Seth was being cooperative through most of the trials (other than beating tf out of Horus) It seems a little weird to me
I'm starting to be really pissed at Isis, cause she knows what happened and continues to shit on Seth when she herself could've prevented all of this. And couldn't the founding god's have stopped Seth when he first stepped out of line instead of letting it go on for so long? If a demigod made Seth sweat I'm pretty sure with some good strategies they could've stopped him, and the way I see it they're all responsible for the death of the people, they could've saved them but they didn't. And when I tell you the number of times I've cursed at osisris will never be enough, piece of green shit!