crazy how l'etat cest moi ideology where you have to blindly accept the will of a single person who got lucky in the genepool lottery is the norm not so long ago. hells, it is still a norm in a lot of places. gods, beings, divine powers being put up as a facade and people not knowing theyre being cruel or consciously abusing that power bc whew. the most depressing thing about this, imo, is how everyone doesnt see anything the saintess did as wrong. everyone know shes cruel, her oracles are full of hatred, the small peoples in the empire must have bear the brunt of the conquest too. shes like brand ambassador of genocide. and even though it was a ruse on leticias part, her children are also known to be crooks, yet no one was willing or strong enough to do anything.
im but a single person, so all i can do is just pray that i and the rest of the world are spared from this kind of tyranny
crazy how l'etat cest moi ideology where you have to blindly accept the will of a single person who got lucky in the genepool lottery is the norm not so long ago. hells, it is still a norm in a lot of places. gods, beings, divine powers being put up as a facade and people not knowing theyre being cruel or consciously abusing that power bc whew. the most depressing thing about this, imo, is how everyone doesnt see anything the saintess did as wrong. everyone know shes cruel, her oracles are full of hatred, the small peoples in the empire must have bear the brunt of the conquest too. shes like brand ambassador of genocide. and even though it was a ruse on leticias part, her children are also known to be crooks, yet no one was willing or strong enough to do anything.
im but a single person, so all i can do is just pray that i and the rest of the world are spared from this kind of tyranny