Are we supposed to ship the MC with a trash man like him? Who sees women as playtoys? As pets? Not rven as an endearment but he literally said better than cats but worse than dogs. Omfg
its alright for him ill act as a cat jk but honestly im just waiting for character development,the manhua has barely started and i came for the mc not the ml LOL
Wasn't it just an act? I'm not so sure but it was stated in the description panel, I think? But since it's just the beginning, I think it's best if we don't focus on the romance for now and just the mc...
You know that it was a trick to annoy the mc? And in the first few chapters it was revealed that his playboy macho side is just an act... The reason why he acts like that may be to appear weak/stupid so he's being underestimated in a fight
Are we supposed to ship the MC with a trash man like him? Who sees women as playtoys? As pets? Not rven as an endearment but he literally said better than cats but worse than dogs. Omfg