DEKUUUU OH NO THIS IS BAD deku has too much mental trauma right now this is not good he's ...

Alphine June 12, 2021 8:29 pm

DEKUUUU OH NO THIS IS BAD deku has too much mental trauma right now this is not good he's going to blow soon i know it.

    lola June 13, 2021 7:55 am

    He’s not the same person anymore he’s not the smiling crying worrying kid anymore it honestly scares me did you see his face when he was talking to chisaki Like his face expression it look like he did not have any humanity in his eyes and to me when I looked at it his face when he was talking to him it look like he just didn’t really care about anybody else he just only cares about his quirk one for all and I feel like his only goal is to get rid of one for all when I see that face expression at the end of the chapter it just look like pure rage and that scares me honestly What do you guys think if he actually destroy one for all