[SPOILERS] This story is def just stockholm syndrome and i truly pity the FL. After she ge...

pinkdrink June 12, 2021 8:05 pm

[SPOILERS] This story is def just stockholm syndrome and i truly pity the FL. After she gets out of prison, her brother keeps her imprisoned at her home...like with a whole ass chain around her ankles. She remains imprisoned there for 4 years. The prison warden (second lead) is the only guy that's actually decent. He becomes her fiancee and he's willing to free her and help her run away (bc all he wants is for her to be happy) but she doesn't let him do that bc she knows that chase will kill him. Chase kidnaps the OG FL so that she'll become the FL's playmate. The warden and the FL free her though. Also OG Iyana had feelings for chase but they weren't reciprocated (plottwist am i right). idk when or how he figures it out but chase knows that the FL is from a different world. You don't see this on the manhwa cover but on the novel cover you see each lead (+ OG female lead) holding a rose. The roses do play a significant part in the story but it's rlly complicated. Chase has a black rose and that means obsession (hence his obsession with the FL). Also Chase kissed Iyana....i don't know what her response do that was but it happened. Side note they are adopted siblings but still very -_- of them. The ML gets mad at the FL for not keeping her promise and meeting up with him after 1 year and then he kidnaps her and imprisons her...yeah. Chase does try to get her back and tries to use his rose to communicate with her but she ignores him. The ML thinks that the FL got close to him so that she could hurt him bc he found out who her brother was. She tries to explain that she forgot her memories when she woke up after her heart stopped but he doesn't listen to ANYTHING that she says. This part gets really sad and pitiful so bear with me. When he put her in the room that she would be imprisoned in, she asked him if he would put a chain on her ankle (bc of what chase did) and then he says no. Later on he goes to bring her, her food, but she refuses to eat unless he feeds her. Then she asked the ML to bring her prison clothes but he refuses and instead brings her clothes of similar comfort. After a while he figures out what Chase has been up to (it took a while bc it's hard to get info on him) and he realizes that he kept the FL chained and imprisoned for 4 years which is why she broke her promise. He pieces together all of her actions and realizes that she was reminiscing in her prison days bc that was the freest she had ever been (this poor poor girl oml) He goes to her (prison) room and starts crying and apologizing. He offers to let her go but she says she'll stay bc she'd rather be imprisoned by someone she likes. Back to the roses, the ML has a red rose and that is desire. The warden has a yellow rose and that means protection (he just wants to protect the FL and make her happy

    -PLUSH- June 12, 2021 8:08 pm

    that was a lot to unpack omg Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Moe Moe Moe June 12, 2021 8:29 pm

    holy shit :((( man I KNEW THE WARDEN WAS THE ONLY DECENT MAN UGHH i'm so sad with how things are going to progress now wtf

    Cephalia June 12, 2021 8:37 pm

    fuck. thank you so much for the heads up this makes me so sad fuck

    pinkdrink June 12, 2021 9:00 pm
    fuck. thank you so much for the heads up this makes me so sad fuck Cephalia

    i wanna keep reading but i might stop after she gets out of prison bc i don't wanna deal with all that happens after. i just feel so bad for her like she doesn't deserve what happens to her

    pinkdrink June 12, 2021 9:01 pm
    that was a lot to unpack omg Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) -PLUSH-

    honestly though SO much to unpack. also side note if it wasn't explicitly clear...chase kissed the reincarnated iyana not OG iyana.

    pinkdrink June 12, 2021 9:02 pm
    holy shit :((( man I KNEW THE WARDEN WAS THE ONLY DECENT MAN UGHH i'm so sad with how things are going to progress now wtf Moe Moe Moe

    second lead syndrome here we go again. he's so sweet and he's the only one who cares about how SHE feels and about her saftey

    mataane June 12, 2021 9:44 pm



    pinkdrink June 12, 2021 9:59 pm
    ....hUh mataane

    that pretty much sums up everyone's reaction to this lmao

    RAISON June 12, 2021 10:04 pm

    Wait is the og fls flower on the cover as well and if so what does her flower mean

    pinkdrink June 13, 2021 1:30 am
    Wait is the og fls flower on the cover as well and if so what does her flower mean RAISON

    she has a blue rose and it means mystery or the unattainable. btw i'm talking about symbolism. it complicated and hard to explain abt what they mean in the novel (aka from the characters perspective) but to put it in simple terms they represent the powers of each house. I feel like im in english but anyways in terms of writing the roses have another meaning which i have stated. idk if that makes sense but they have two meanings depending on what you're asking for. 1) what they represent from the characters pov 2) what they symbolize in terms of literature/writing

    Unwanted Meat June 13, 2021 3:15 am

    What the fuckk

    Oykorw June 13, 2021 3:59 am

    Damn thanks for this. My heart can’t handle this much finna drop rq

    pinkdrink June 13, 2021 4:02 am
    Damn thanks for this. My heart can’t handle this much finna drop rq Oykorw

    I'm staying until she gets out of prison. after she gets out i'm dropping the series bc i don't want to deal with everything that comes after

    Oykorw June 13, 2021 6:13 am
    I'm staying until she gets out of prison. after she gets out i'm dropping the series bc i don't want to deal with everything that comes after pinkdrink

    That also makes sense

    pinkdrink June 13, 2021 6:16 am
    That also makes sense Oykorw

    For now the ML is still okay and ofc we have our wonderful SML. it's all downhill from here

    向天打飞机 June 14, 2021 6:16 pm
    holy shit :((( man I KNEW THE WARDEN WAS THE ONLY DECENT MAN UGHH i'm so sad with how things are going to progress now wtf Moe Moe Moe

    wait is the warden the guy with the monocle or spectacles or whatever it is??

    pinkdrink June 14, 2021 8:00 pm
    wait is the warden the guy with the monocle or spectacles or whatever it is?? 向天打飞机

    yes that's him (it's glasses)

    tomka June 15, 2021 2:24 am

    ah hell nah I'm not reading another story where the FL gets dragged around by men. she literally be jumping from prison to prison and being subjected to dudes' whims, that's a straight up nightmare. who tf thought of this and went "that's a good story lemme just write it down" what a clown

    pinkdrink June 15, 2021 2:35 am
    ah hell nah I'm not reading another story where the FL gets dragged around by men. she literally be jumping from prison to prison and being subjected to dudes' whims, that's a straight up nightmare. who tf thou... tomka

    right and the fact that this story had so much potential only to be dragged through the mud.

    kbueno June 15, 2021 6:33 pm


    I rlly thought the white haired ml would be all nice to iyana after they got out from prison bcause like ya know gratitude???!? WHY THE STORY UNFOLDS LIKE THISSS