We all know that seth killing innocent ppl. We all know his sins for that. But yeah. Why d...

ley June 12, 2021 6:31 pm

We all know that seth killing innocent ppl. We all know his sins for that. But yeah. Why does he do that?? What push him to do that?? Ok that's his sins for the world thing. But for the GOD or ENNEAD things. Does raped and betrayed is OK?? Lol.

OK like Sun god ra said its ok to another god make love to other and she (like to) regret that they have thing call married. But like the one God that said the time is changing now and that thing maybe not necessary rn. But sun god ra cut her speach so Idk.

Still the disrespectful of osiris to his brother so big. Why he must do that?? Yeah we know he love seth but it's rape and seth don't like it plus isis se them. Osiris totally betrayed all of his siblings feeling. Especially seth. And he even make love to seth wife even tho that she love osiris but that's still cruel for seth.

    a real human being June 12, 2021 6:35 pm

    you raise some good points.
    but you got to understand that what osiris has for seth isnt love its obsession.
    alot of the things we hold in high regards (like loyalty and basic human decency) is thrown out the window when it comes to gods. thats what makes the story so alluring

    ley June 12, 2021 6:40 pm
    you raise some good points.but you got to understand that what osiris has for seth isnt love its obsession.alot of the things we hold in high regards (like loyalty and basic human decency) is thrown out the win... a real human being

    Yeah I know that's its OBSESSION and not truly love. And I know GOD don't need all that thing. But like that one God said. ( I really forgot her name) the time is changing. Plus on one panel that they 4 are standing together and that time like sun god ra said. It's their own fault that they act like human not like God. But at that panel it's obvious that osiris the one who start the tragedy first