alright so chapter 36: she tries to get her brother to complete the machine quickly since shes worried about him marrying someone else. her brother then tells her that hes already working as hard as he can and also questions her actions and wants; he tells her that her initial goal was to save wakagimis life and she accomplished that, her now trying to ruin a possible political marriage isnt part of the plan. (Also, it may be necessary in this situation so her meddling could cause harm.) She then says that its a marriage wakagimi doesnt want and that hes forced to marry because of political reasons so she wants to stop it for his sake. her brother thinks about the possibility of wakagimi already being married when she arrives there, of her being too late, but doesnt voice his thoughts.
although there arent any news about historic events, the teacher shows mc a picture that was found from that era... its the picture wakagimi had of her! (honestly as if a normal teacher would have access to that discovery, i mean ok, he told her he knows someone who works in that field but still.. this is way too convenient but i digress) but the picture was found on a where a war took place so now she cant be sure if hes alive or if he maybe died in that battle.
this makes her sad which prompts her brother to try to fix the machine as soon as possible. it explodes tho. but the part that is necessary for time travel stays intact and even gets filled up/fixed and now theres enough fuel to travel back in time and then return to the present. but the brother tells her that this is really the last time that she can do this since the explosion affected time and space (or something like that idk they didnt really explai n it).but mc doesnt care shes hyped that she can see him again. her parents are against her going back in time to see wakagimi. but the brother thinks its the right decision to let her go back since she really, really seems to want to go back, since she was also committed and ready to wait years to go back and was really depressed when she couldnt go etc etc.
later (at night i think) he then helps her to use the machine and gives her smoke bombs and a pair of glasses so she can see through the smoke. her parents appear before she can go and they talk, they tell her that knowing her, she would go one way or the other so they cant stop her. they make her promise that she wont do anything dangerous and that she will return to the present. she doesnt really promise it but she says she understands. and then, while her particles slowly begin to disintegrate because shes being beamed to the past, she tells her parents that they dont have to worry if she doesnt return since that would mean that she managed to marry wakagimi and is living a happy lovey-dovey life with him, the parents are left frustrated while she traveled to the past. thats how this chapter ends. (i didnt proofread this so ignore typos if you find some haha)
at first she thinks that this guy is wakagimis reincarnation and plans to confess to him the next day but soon realizes that he isnt really his reincarnation (because his smile and laugh is ugly ahahah pls) although deep down she knew that he wasnt wakagimis reincarnation from the start.
then she meets this girl that had a crush on wakagimi when he was in this world and finds out from her brother that wakagimi wasnt interested in that girl at all; the opposite actually: mc finds out that wakagimi told her brother that he likes her best and that shes unique etc etc. so anyways shes motivated again and asks her brother how long it would take to fix that time machine thing and finds out it would take about 3 years. she then says that she would wait however long it would take and plans to go back there in 3 years when the machine is usable again. the mother overhears her wanting to go back and tells her she doesnt allow it because they cant even be sure that he survived but our mc doesnt care.
a year or some months later mc finds out (through that one teacher) that there were new archeological discoveries that show that wakagimi survived. however in these newly found historic documents there were also talks of an alliance through marriage so our mc panics and yeah in the last panel we see her running to her little brother to speed up the process of repairing the machine, i guess