Some fans like hardcore stuff - well it's their business. That said I kinda get what people mean when they say they don't like the AU extra. After seeing what Seth has gone through and knowing how Horus feels about Seth, the "abuse scenario" extra feels like a total betrayal ( ̄∇ ̄") I'm glad Mojito decided to make Horus the way he is (=・ω・=)

I don't have a problem with people disliking/being uncomfortable with the theme, but there were countless warnings for it and was repeatedly stated to not be canon, and yet every few comments is someone complaining about it. I get wanting see Seth happy but this isn't a happy story, and its never presented itself as anything but dark and tragic. A couple jokes and light hearted moments, don't change what this series is about. I'm just frustrated that people are trying to push this "it should be more wholesome" idea onto it, when there are plenty of stories they can read instead.
.... Also I know Horus wasn't in his right mind when he did it, but he did legitimately rape Seth in canon, and canonically lusts/loves him. I don't think its fair to call it a "betrayal"

The only thing to do is drop the book if it really does upset you. Although it would be nice if the story was lighthearted but of course not since its apparently based by a myth story and it wouldn't at all fit in such a plot plus there's a whole bunch of fluff and wholesome stories to read instead of this

You're right. It rings differently to me since in the AU extra Horus not only rapes Seth but also taunts him repeatedly. It isn't the only thing disturbing about the extra though. The way he sweet-talks his mother, Isis, into postponing Seth's punishment (so that he could monopolise him for longer), is even creepier as it shows how deceptive, manipulative, and covetous he is, which is eerily similar to Osiris. However this type of character can be found in abundance in the BL genre. That's while I said I much prefer the Horus of the main storyline, in which he feels more real and more unique, a fledgling demigod and king-to-be who tries to change fate.
I really didnt like that AU Chapter 74