Chotto matte

Ain't going to give up bitch June 12, 2021 12:08 pm

Wait so I just read the other team has not dropped it yet uhm I don't know
But thank you for the translation we really appreciate it
And I hope the other team who really translating it really have a come back lol we really damn missed you people

    FuwaFuwa June 14, 2021 5:43 am

    I am very sorry for the inconveniences, but we really did drop this, well the chap 39 was done when I saw lezhin postedin instagram about palace of bardo, we immediately stopped,and I ditched my scans • ‿ ,•, I've been giving too much effort on scanlations rather than my own study, we did really wanted to finish translating palace of bardoeven tho there were officials, but I was too tired to do anything in my life, and also I dunno why nene didn't post chapter 39 when it's already in the drive, and I didn't take the initiative to post it too cause ermm I dunno how to post chapters here, but the drive was gone, and m really hopeful that they don't delete the translated chaps because we all put effort in it, and my studies was also ruined cause i made the translating my first priority.

    I'm really sorry babe, I missed u too .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.