
Jazzy June 11, 2021 10:55 pm

Tbh I feel like this has been dragging out for so long, and this relationship is as cute as a mutated monkey. Idk why this has been happening for so long but the relationship or whatever this is had made no significant change other than taehwan starting to treat yeonwu as a sex toy/dog from a cockroach. Like why is yeonwu so docile, its....ugh, like dont you ever get angry or frustrated. It's like he doesn't have his own opinions. Imagine being gay and falling in love and sleeping with a homophobe who told you he's a homophobe and your friends told you is a homophobe and you know is a homophobe.
Not loving this, some of y'all do and that's cool but it's just not for me. I think I'm just drained and dont expect much from either of them, I dont liken their character designs and I feel like this could have played out a hundred different ways but oh well, here we are

    KenzA1 June 11, 2021 10:56 pm

    Pretty sure he has a degradation kink so I’m assuming why he sticks around

    Jazzy June 11, 2021 11:03 pm

    No, he literally undervalues himself to the point of being grateful for taehwans attention, hes hella insecure, it's not a kink. The difference is kinks are something you do for sexual pleasure, him being insecure and undermining himself are his personality traits not kinks

    Kurama June 11, 2021 11:07 pm
    No, he literally undervalues himself to the point of being grateful for taehwans attention, hes hella insecure, it's not a kink. The difference is kinks are something you do for sexual pleasure, him being insec... Jazzy


    some perv June 11, 2021 11:19 pm
    No, he literally undervalues himself to the point of being grateful for taehwans attention, hes hella insecure, it's not a kink. The difference is kinks are something you do for sexual pleasure, him being insec... Jazzy

    You're spitting!