But why wasn't he there?? Or even showed his grown up face?? Why?? And why was she acting ...

Potchie July 12, 2016 6:12 pm

But why wasn't he there?? Or even showed his grown up face?? Why?? And why was she acting like they didn't get married or if so, he's dead??? Like OMG! I need justice here. There should be another chapter for this. Please!!!!!

    HermanHesse July 12, 2016 9:18 pm

    Oh you know just how much Takagi san loves to tease people! She wanted to tease us too! Talk about breaking the fourth wall :)

    oldi23 September 18, 2016 9:05 am

    if you pay attention, the family name is nishikata. so yeah it's indeed she tease us with those tears. I think he still alive. and she cry because she miss the times when they are still in middle school...