not having canon ships is better for writing / stop forcing romance

torao June 11, 2021 8:36 pm

No hate to tess; im rather indifferent to her character. I just rlly dont like the romance subplot being forced into this entire story. We all know they will end up with each other in the end, but I really am not a fan of adding romance to these stories :/ I think a more refreshing approach is to just have good characters with all very good chemistry, and not force canon relationships.

I've slowly been growing more and more distannt from TBATE and it jhas to do with how much of a chore its become 2 read with the romance plots coming up in the future. too much is going on, and in the grand scheme of things, tess wanting to date artur seems insignifcant.

Anyways, many rebuttals 2 be made 2 what i've just said. but im gonna sign off the TBATE wagon now (not that its much of a loss this is an illegal manga site pft) but sayonara. More inspired 2 write my own fantasy story where I correct this LOL

    torao June 11, 2021 8:40 pm

    romance becomes the culprit 4 me dropping a lot of fantasy stories tbh. Fight Breaks Sphere, (solo-levelling, tho it wasnt the main reason), Tomb Raider King, and now tbate. Haven't dropped douluo dalu yet; the romance there is done slightly better, probaby because xiao wu is less pervasive, and the romance is a tacit understanding that was always in the background and not...forcefully or deliberately addressed. less contrived, so maybe thats where this went wrong. ayways bye

    Lmaowth June 11, 2021 10:33 pm

    What y'all got against a little romance? Next minute there should be no comedy in books. They just adding a little reality in the book. A guy growing up is not going to stay single or have not at least one little romance.