Its amazing how yoshino the only woman in that entire yakuza clan is adapting and able to ...

Day_helder June 11, 2021 5:37 pm

Its amazing how yoshino the only woman in that entire yakuza clan is adapting and able to grow up into a decent human being despite living in a not particularly good environment, that's full of sexist mens not to mention she being a badass and not influenced by the yakuzas around her, and seem nonchalant when getting punched, getting chased, being threatened by kirishima that psycho dick head, and even selling her kidney for that dickhead??? Like whaaat

And let's talk about that crazy ass psycho, yeah he's a good guy, he treats yoshino right, spoil her a little bit and even takes care of her when she's sick. He's cool and all but as a guy friend, from a lover perspective, he's complete trash, shitty, manipulative and toxic af. Cant believe he still sleeps with other woman while claiming he's in love with yoshino, I know that he's a yakuza and he separates love and sex, he also seems to have a lot of loose screw in the head there's no telling what he's gonna do, he's seriously dangerous, he even says he wants to mess yoshino up while having his hands on yoshino's neck smh

Its a good story and has an interesting plot and character lmao and I like this manga but pls at least, even if its a lil bit, let there be a character development in kirishima so that he is a suitable ml for our amazing fl, not saying he should a full 360° and become like your typical shoujo ml but yall get what i mean right?

    Dr. Dhiq Saker June 13, 2021 12:22 pm

    I really love yoshino’s cahracter thank god she rlly didnt act like a spoiled brat

    XVISashimi June 15, 2021 5:28 pm

    The problem is that you seek the generic way of loving someone out a character who just can't do that, there is multiple way of loving someone and let's just say kirishima does it in his own particular way, the thing is he will never grow out of whatever is in now since it's the way he is since childhood, I'm not justifying his action tho but it's just the way he is, I don't know if you see what I mean well
    And I don't think the manga was originally going towards a tipycal route where ml and fl happily ends up toghether

    Day_helder June 15, 2021 7:37 pm
    The problem is that you seek the generic way of loving someone out a character who just can't do that, there is multiple way of loving someone and let's just say kirishima does it in his own particular way, the... XVISashimi

    No no i get what you mean, and as you say it really is generic, and that every person gets to convey their love in their own unique way, and what i just stated was my opinion and definitely was the way of loving someone majority of people are accustomed to nowadays, well as long as yoshino accepts him as who he is I guess. Thanks for pointing that out tho, now i kinda see him in a different lighting, accept him and doesn't have the expectation that he will change XD