I found some that said that Yahwi was drinking too so what they want to say is that he was not in his right state of mind. Also when Yahwi had sex with Jooin while he was intoxicated, some said that he was "seducing" Yahwi and there was a lot of other bullshit too. They really be making me mad cause they just don't want to accept that Yahwi raped Jooin. They ve ready to write a whole essay to justify all those shitty actions. Sigh

Honestly no matter what we say, they are blinded by the fact that Yahwi will be the end game and all that. They are still going to support him and what's more, the upcoming chapters will anger them even more. They will prob say "you see that, Yahwi's not at fault. Look at the trauma that he lived as a kid"
Just wanna remind you that you can't use Y*hwi's reasons/trauma to justify his deeds. He's not a kid anymore. He's perfectly aware about right and wrong. And for those Y*hwi stans who talks sht about Cain's stay at Jooin's place, I just wanna remind you that it was Jooin who invited Cain to his place after seeing that Cain got scammed. Cain even thought about finding a new home but he doesn't have any money so Jooin initiated his stay at his home. He's not a parasite at all because first and foremost, he's been looking after Jooin– cooking meals for him. Jooin didn't even feel worried for having Cain there because he knows that Cain is good. About the rape thing, what Yahwi did will still be considered as rape no matter what his intentions were. They don't have any established relationship and he didn't get a proper consent. If we will put this in trial, it's still considered as rape because the act itself is the wrong thing. They won't give much significance to the reasons or intentions because even if the rapist doesn't have any ill intention, the act itself is already ill because it's forced. It's unwanted. If we will find this justifiable because of his "intentions" or "reasons" then if the reason is "love," will the case be dismissed? Because technically, love is not "wrong." Any sexual interaction without consent is pretty much considered as a sexual harassment no matter what the intention or reason is. You can't say that "Yahwi doesn't have anyone to guide him" or "Yahwi didn't want to hurt Jooin. He just wanted his love." If he really wanted that, he wouldn't cross the boundaries and go assaulting Jooin. Keep in mind that he didn't only do it once. It was repeated and he NEVER apologized. Stop justifying his actions.