Didnt taesoo also know that chunwoo like him? But what he doin? making chunwoo as his fuck buddy instead of his boyfie but when someone trying to flirt with chunwoo he get jealous? What the actual fuck? Its valid to pursue someone even when this other person like other people, unless u pursue someone else partner.. Ho-in just want to try and convey his feeling, its not like ho-in forcing or blackmailing chunwoo, it is illegal to make move towards someone whos SINGLE? I mean chunwoo deserved someones better than this red haired dude whos keep him on the edge, doesnt want to have serious relationship but possesive af?
Ho-in maybe not perfect but at least hes better than taesoo and chunwoo
Ho-In's just giving off icky vibes, yo. Like I get that he's head over heels for his sunbae but the guy admitted that he has feelings for Taesoo.
Regardless of whether the relationship is official or not, it's kinda wrong to do what he's doing.
Sure, you can keep your feelings but actively pursuing someone who isn't emotionally available is stupid and only causes hurt.
But a lot of y'all love it because it's Ho-In who does it but if Taesoo does it, it's a problem.
None of them are perfect, not even Ho-In, except maybe, Woo-Jin.