Lol what are u even saying Yuki overshadowing Ue, and Given focusing on Yuki and Mafuyu's past? First of all, its clearly the viewers that can't move on from their past. Mafuyu already did. And Ue isn't overshadowed its just people like you focuses on the "star crossed lover" story of Yuki and Mafuyu (and its proven w the way u said tHeY haVe bEeN tOgEthEr SiNce tHeY wErE kIds) . Second it doesnt focus on their padt, it focused more on the bavkground story of the peple around them and the latest chapters happen to be of Hiiragi and Shizu, so normally it will touch Mafuyu and Yuki's past. If you havent realized it yet let me summarized Given for u: its a story of a person who is trying to overcome his trauma. He starts to accept his feelings instead of denying it and by accepting also means trying to start again by exploring wider opportunities such as music. It isn't just a love story.of a boy trying to move on from his dead boyfriend. I am so fed up w people not appreciating Ue. He doesn't deserve it after everything that he has done for Mafuyu and to help Mafuyu.

And what do u mean by "there hasn't been a lot of COUPLE INTERACTIONS" lol they kissed, they hugged and they are intimate w each other (intimacy doesn't mean sex btw, wc obviously is what I think u are looking for). And what's with the "their relationship was rushed"? Are u kidding me? Yuki died during their middle school. They are already in hs in the anime AND WHEN YOU ARE SURE OF YOUR FEELINGS THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "RUSHED" SWEETIE. You really liked the idea of childhood sweethearts huh? Lol. Get over it.

Yuki actually died in the first year of high school, the whole story was behind his death was because now that him and Mafuyu go to different high schools, and Yuki spent time working and with his band and not Mafuyu, they couldn't be together as much which Mafuyu didn't like so they ended up fighting. Timewise now they're in their final year of High school so his death would have been around 2 years ago, which is still pretty early in terms of moving on from someone

There no time limit in moving on. There are people who moves on within a week and there are people moves on after ten yrs. People tend to invalidate these because they always said that "its too early" to move on. Let us be realistic for a moment, if you felt that you already moved on then who the hell could question you for that. If Mafuyu knows he is already falling in love w Ue - be it one month, two yrs or ten yrs since his ex lover died - its okay. Its not too early or too late.
Hmmm i saw a topic that they said that yuki still overshadows uenoyama and it hurts me so much that i agree with it... Dont yall tho? I mean its clear that mafuyu still hasnt fully moved on and it feels like the whole story of given still focuses on yuki and mafuyus past and even in the anime there hasnt been a lot of mafuyu and uenoyama "couple interactions", their relationship is a bit rushed... I mean it still hasnt been long since yuki died and he and mafuyu has been together since they were kids so... Fuck idek what im saying at this point but yeh, this is from my point of view as an anime only watcher of given. I dont read the manga bc i kno it will hurt me so much as i am a mafuyu and uenoyama stan. Yall pls dont come @ me its what i think. And i kno theres a lot (?) of mafuyu and uenoyama interaction in the manga (ive seen a lot of tiktoks abt it) but in the anime there are... Idk.. A lot but still not a lot lol. I dont think im making sense anymore... So let me stop here hehe