Uhm maybe dont use a real countries culture as culture for ur mangas uncilivized barbarian...

Leona June 11, 2021 12:33 pm

Uhm maybe dont use a real countries culture as culture for ur mangas uncilivized barbarian tribe....

Sry if im annoying, it just smt japans racism shows in little things like this. This is literally the third manga ive seen that does this.

    CuddleQuill June 22, 2021 12:16 am

    How much have you actually read of the story? The first five chapters? There is an actual explanation for the supposed "racism" you read about to do with food culture. I'm just asking, so don't take offense.

    Kentuki_hiro June 28, 2021 1:56 pm
    How much have you actually read of the story? The first five chapters? There is an actual explanation for the supposed "racism" you read about to do with food culture. I'm just asking, so don't take offense. CuddleQuill

    I get that it's his opinion but he's acting like he know it all what do you mean don't use real country's culture? so since you probably know everything what's suppose to happen then? The MC is probably introducing or making the culture be known for ppl elves or something for them to appreciate and making them eyes open and think oh?! This is actually interesting then probably research it or some shit then making them realize that oh this is not any mans job that it requires knowledge and experience to do it and making them realize that there's art in cooking and not just putting stuff in and because they opened their eyes, they appreciated it or they realized things they can probably make something like a negotiation eh or restaurant where important money stuff comes or like they can actually get money by doing this, making other ppl who probably don't have jobs more chances on having one and like researchers actually found a new spice in different tribe then making bussines deals then other country questions why ? Then founds out about this cooking thing then founds out that some of the ingredients are only available in different tribe then making another bussines deals making both tribe have healthy relationship and making profit out of it