I see what you’re saying but would that brat have even felt guilty if her Mom died in her stead? She’d probably feel entitled to it and find some twisted justification of why it was Tia’s fault that this happened to “her”. When people pursue blind hatred like that, it’s really difficult to have them see logic. Although the punishment was harsh, during this era and a time of crisis, it is appropriate to get rid of the person who is causing the highest risk for the greatest amount of people. It also serves as a future deterrent.

i'm just saying that children are allowed to mess up and she didn't even have time to reflect on her actions, though it's a different conversation if she didn't feel sorry at all even if she receives mercy. and i dont want the mom to die either, the whole family's been good but aubrey got off fast by dying, and now her whole family's paying for a child's mistakes with their lives. i understand the circumstances with their time period but i still want her to live, idc what becomes of her but i want her to pay for her mistakes alive. torture her or whatever living is always worse than dying anyway.

idk if sis would do that, you saw how she easily ratted out the fortress layout plan, she would have found some way to make it tia’s fault and possibly could have done way worse. you can’t think logically when someone is blinded by hatred, if they have a minor setback they’d find some way to make it that person’s fault. audrey got out easy by having a swift and somewhat painless death but it was her parents fault for not raising her correctly. they enabled her behavior and it twisted her mindset as well and some of the blame falls of cedric too,,, he could have let her know that he did not see her in a romantic way but instead chose to keep silent abt her obvious pinning for him and now he has to go rescue his wife because he trusted and believed she’d be just fine in his fortress. tia wasn’t being forthright for no reason she knew audrey would do something it was only a matter of time but cedric CHOSE to laugh it off and now he’s paying the price for his foolishness,,,

Yeah, that’s a good point. I’d like to imagine that if the situation hadn’t been life or death (she potentially committed second degree manslaughter and caused multiple knights to die along with Tia’s kidnapping) then they would have spared her life but forced her to live in a way that allowed her to reflect on and potentially correct her actions (with minimal punishment to her family other than the shame of having a daughter like that). She’s so prideful, you’re absolutely right that she would have had a harder time continuing to live in a humble manner than just killing her off right away. Then again, that may give her more cause for revenge later, and since she can blindly give away the layout of her Lords fortress (which should be kept secret even at the best of times) I do see why he got rid of her based on the security threat she may have caused. Ahhhh!!! You make so many good points! I’m torn!

Yes! That’s a good point too! Her parents were good people so, although they did enable some of her behavior, they also didn’t see any of the potential harm until Tia showed up at the castle and by then it was too late to reverse. It does make you wonder how they could have mitigated it and when the best time to step in would have been...
But I love the point you made about Cedric! You’re right! He saw it and laughed it off and is 100% also at fault!!!
I need to chat on the comment section more. Y’all make the analysis of this story so much fun.
i kinda felt bad about her not gonna lie. had tia not the duchess she's directly serving she wouldn't have to lose her life. she was just immature and entitled not saying she didn't deserve punishment but it kinda rubbed me wrong that she still believed that she did nothing wrong until the end. personally i think the mother should have died in her stead so she has to live with guilt and shame and constantly reflect all her life, though that might be more cruel