WHY IS IT BROKEN? Oh please why don't you ask your bitch of a lover.

XianXian June 11, 2021 10:47 am

WHY IS IT BROKEN? Oh please why don't you ask your bitch of a lover.

    no_lane June 11, 2021 10:48 am

    I've only slimmed through bc I dont like the seme but I still need some answers( ̄∇ ̄") why was it broken? Is it fake? Did he gave him a fake ring?

    Cherry June 11, 2021 11:08 am
    I've only slimmed through bc I dont like the seme but I still need some answers( ̄∇ ̄") why was it broken? Is it fake? Did he gave him a fake ring? no_lane

    The ring slipped off Niannian finger and broke when it hit the ground. Niannian went to the jewelry store and they told him it was fake, but in the last chapter it seems like his husband didn't knew ist was fake (or he was surprised that Niannian found out). That's how I understood it.