
My problem isn’t the lack of romance, but it’s mostly the lack of action between MC and Daniel. So far, all they’ve done is sit at a bar for too many chapters and have endless talks. The plot seems too stagnant. I literally forgot that Daniel was trying to kill her because this fact wasn’t properly focused on. I just want something to happen. Anything! Instead of all this endless talking and walking.
I don’t really understand why people don’t see the improvement in mc and Daniels relationship it clearly improved. I also think it’s important that there romance doesn’t started until later on in the story cause there’s a big fact people are forgetting. Daniel is trying to kill her. That’s something people keep forgetting. The only reason he is getting closer to her is to murder her. Daniel may be the ml but in the current time line he is a threat to the main character. We don’t even know why he is trying to kill her. He is only holding off in killed her cause she caught his interest not because he likes her. She considers him a friend but he might not consider her a friend. He don’t know alot Daniels pov right now so we don’t even know what he thinks of her. Also mc is nothing like Ariel. She is clearly aware of how she wants the other characters to think of her. She wants them to think of her as a friend but she wants to be special to them so they don’t end up giving there hearts to Ariel who practically sacrifices them but not enough for them to rise there lives for her. The relationship with ml is going to take Time cause they barely know each other like they barely meet don’t expect romance so fast. The main villain of the story hasn’t even showed up more or less even talked about. But mc doesn’t know that she didn’t read the book so she’s probably also going to be confused when he shows up cause she wouldn’t know anything about him and she probably wouldn’t even think of romance by then.