This is my opinion

leanna June 11, 2021 1:56 am

Bruh some of y’all comments shut upp because we all know that jay don’t want to kill him because if he did he would of done that by now and his brother just forcing him to do so he doesn’t have a choice you saw when he started to bleed his reaction changed and yes jay may do some bad things in the past but he’s only doing this to live and am so sorry our poor baby yoon can’t live a normal life without his brothers fucking it up :( it’s just sad I feel like jay doesn’t want to eat him anymore because he got to know him better

    cirilla yue June 11, 2021 4:24 am

    i agree with you!!! they're all slandering J but the thing is J could've eaten yoon a long time ago just like what the brother said but he didn't because the more he knows yoon the more he is invested i think and he looks worried when yoon nosebleed. in addition to the raws, J took care of yoon while he's constantly feeling week and having nosebleeds. sksksks but yeah i don't even understand a thing in the raws but that is what it looks like

    leanna June 11, 2021 5:45 am
    i agree with you!!! they're all slandering J but the thing is J could've eaten yoon a long time ago just like what the brother said but he didn't because the more he knows yoon the more he is invested i think a... cirilla yue
