I think this is more realistic than other manga. Having your partner be imperfect and having them think so differently from the other, as well as getting caught up in their own feelings so much that they can't see what it's doing to the other person (only seeing that they are upset, but thinking they will trust you and wait for you even if you don't explain, so you can always fix it later. How do you explain something to them when you're still working out in your mind?).
I think if she put naoto with nisshi then she would end up restarting the drama of adjusting to someone in a relationship (cause she has a lot of drama in her manga)
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
whatevs, if i'm wrong just tell me

so true, for my love life experience , there're no perfect partner even if when it comes to a long term relationship. Love is kinda blinding, in times of hardship and unhappiness it's too hard to understand for others's feeling.
It's true that I get too upset seeing what Taichi is doing, but that's how it happened in real life. I also don't think Nao will change his heart so easily, cuz I know it's not that easy. What he's currently sharing with Nisshin is just sympathy.

I wouldn't have been so angry if it was Taichi's first time doing this. This is the second time. He is repeating the same mistakes. You are suppose to learn from your mistakes, not repeat them. Exactly how many times Naoto needs to get dumped/rejected by Taichi before it starts being not ok? This is emotional abuse. He reels Naoto in and when Naoto falls for him, he lets him go. What is this? catch and release? Anon, imperfection was never the issue. The problem is Taichi being a coward. Problem is Taichi not loving Naoto as much as Naoto loves him. Look at Taichi, he is taking time off to think if his relationship with Naoto is worth the trouble. They didn't have a fight. There wasn't a fall out of any sort. So why take a break? I know why, because suddenly he is realizing the repercussions of being gay and his love for Naoto can be compromised. If you really love someone you will never think if they are worth the trouble. and What trouble is naoto really? He is an absolute sweetheart. The problem is with Taichi.
Now put Naoto in his position, do you think he would have pushed Taichi away because his family rejected him? Never. He would have held onto Taichi even more. Would've faced the situation together.
Taichi is selfish. He doesn't want to let Naoto go, neither does he want to go against society. The author is going to change his personality soon and suddenly he will be this good guy who will choose Naoto over everyone. It's for the sake of the plot. But in real life, people don't change that easily. It takes years. and someone always gets hurt. The scapegoat. If this was realistic, Naoto would've been the scapegoat who had to take years of emotional abuse( maybe sometimes physical even, we all saw him hit Naoto) because Taichi is steadily changing. then they would break up, and Taichi's next lover would reap the benefits of Naoto's misery. Just like the author's other manga "Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku" and it's spin-off series.

I know it's not gonna happen but I'd love the story to become about how you don't have to hold on to your first love and make it work no matter what. I don't care if people says it's realistic because many couples suffers like that. Maybe they also need to stop believing the love stories that say if love is pure, it'll find a way...
Stories can give whatever message of hope. I'm hoping for this trope of hurting each other until it works to stop. I agree it takes very long for people to actually change and nobody need to feel bad for choosing not to wait. In real life, too many wait in vain. That is frankly what I'd say is more realistic...
And I also cannot believe Taichi is only thinking now and contemplating the concrete consequences of a gay relationship. He definitely isn't mature enough.
They should both stop dragging this on forever and learn from this.
As for Nisshi, I'd like him to be more some sort of support and good friend than love interest. Nao doesn't seem to have had a close friend since Taichi.
But I have little hope for this to actually not take the usual yaoi route... sigh

Don't get me wrong, I totally don't like how Tachi was acting recently, it's way too much drama for my heart. He's way too selfish and not manly at all.
On the other hand, Nisshi was not much better than Tachi though. All he did was running away from his past not even bother making clear anything with his ex.
Also, Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku is not the same as this one, it was about the love story between Mayama and Yumi, ok? Yumi was aslo immature just as Tachi , and even Nisshi that he run away, then went around his true love.
I'm aware of life is not as sweet as manga, but at some point, I believe the manga artist wants to delivery to the readers that it's hurt to in love but it would end up hurting more if we run away from our problems. be honest with your feeling and solve things together. changing partner is not always a good resolve.

What exactly did you want him to do? his lover kissed a girl and pretended he didn't know nisshi. what do you say to that? i don't know what kind of person would take their 'lover' back after that. what situation exactly did you want him to face? did you want him to make up with that lover? with that cheater? what nisshi did was reasonable. he didn't want his lover back, so there was nothing to face. he has been traumatized in a way.

Nishi might not be much better, but he is better than taichi. and didn't you say that there is no perfect partner? Naoto doesn't need a perfect partner, he needs someone who won't bail on him.
and as for the other manga, i was referring to yumi and ken chan's relationship. after yumi, ken already found another boyfriend, but he wasn't abusive anymore. the guilt of what he did to yumi kept him in check. Yumi was the scapegoat to ken's reformation. and yumi didn't run away. he was hurt. he is waiting for his psychological wounds to heal. and then he will go and speak with ken. the timing is just not right. but do you know one thing they wouldn't do? they wouldn't get back together. Because once an abusive relationship, always an abusive relationship.

I don't what part in my comment is not clear but I did point out that Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku is different because it's about Yumi and Mayama. Of course, Yumi didn't run away from Ken since he ran away from Mayama not Ken, why he needed to run away from Ken ? Believe or not , Mayama was the first one Yumi fell in love and he had never been able to forget him, he was with Ken because it's convenient that way. They wouldn't come back together , but I wonder if their hearts was really together in the first place though. Let I make it clear the problem here is not abusive relationship but mutual love and compatible. I said that because Ken didn't know if he could change or not and he was afraid that he would end up hurting his new love again, the other man " it's me I won't get hurt " see the difference ?
Nao and Tachi are different, this is their love story and their feeling is mutual. And Luckily enough Nao's not that immature, he was aware of that Tachi's acting weird recently because he saw Nao was crying like a baby.
That's was Tachi's mother and Nao cryed like that, try to imagine how much it would hurt him when it comes to his family that is what Tachi's thinking and Nao knew that. I believe Love doesn't mean Love anymore when you feel tired, then you change partner, then how many partners you might need until you get satisfied?

You are telling me Yumi stayed with ken out of convenience? O_o he let ken treat him like a punching bag out of convenience? Wow, in that case either yumi is the kindest person in the world or he was really in love with ken or he was a huge masochist. Take your pick.
If your partner treats you like shit, you go through as many as you need before you find one that won't treat you like shit. But it's fine, like i have said before, taichi is gonna become the ideal boyfriend very soon. because it's manga, people here change in the blink of an eye. the author won't write him up to be an asshole forever. so it doesn't matter. Nao is gonna end with Taichi no matter what. Btw how old are you?

Well, If you read the story thoroughly, I am sure you would understand the convenience that I mentioned here. Yumi was kind and more than that he felt responsible for not truly in love with Ken. Being him but his heart belonged to another place, that's why he kept his phone and whenever he felt down, he clutched onto it. Yumi was not a masochist, but he's way too afraid of having emotional pain, it can't be helped since physical pain can heal soon, for emotional pain who knows how many years will it take to get better... and he wanted to make sure his emotion always under his control.
It's normal for people to have many different points of view, so I am not here to force my way on you, I just express my thoughts for the plot. First of all, Taichi didn't treat Nao like shit, maybe he seemed rough at the moment but it doesn't seems treating Nao like shit to me.
The second, believe or not but it's very typical how men act in real life having faced hardship in a long term relationship, even a passionate man would turn selfish and tends to keep it to himself, he would keep distance and work it out in his head.
Then what I want to see here is how Nao and Taichi will overcome this, these tough situations aren't trials, they're rewarding moments to help the relationship to grow. Once they work it out, their relationship will be bound to be stronger than ever, solving the core problem is important, it gives you experience andnecessary knowledge for things in future. Giving up before doing anything is the most boring and easy way, it won't take you to anywhere.
About your question, I'm 27 this year, I used to change lovers whenever I felt tired or not treated well. However, when I found a person that matters to my life, I changed my heart, love is about sharing both happiness and pain.
Anyway, like I said I don't force my way on you, maybe be strong in love like you is better, who knows.

Okay, i rest my case with the Yumi thing. but i still believe that abuse was 50% of the reason why Yumi left ken. If he felt guilty for not loving ken enough that he let ken beat him up like that, then guilt would've made him stay with ken as well. That's how guilt works. Mayama set him free i guess. But i won't talk about it anymore because i'm not gonna change my mind.
I am not gonna change my mind about Taichi either. i believe the author gave us a peek into Taichi's true nature in chapter four. i have seen people like him real life. lived with people like him in real life. they hurt/hit you. then they feel sorry. i'm talking about true remorse here. and you forgive them. and then they do it again. and again. and again. the same cycle keeps repeating. they don't even realize what they are doing. and you can't be truly angry because you love them and hey, they said sorry. and i have seen the same pattern following in so many other cases.
Taichi will change because that's the plot. their relationship will grow and it will overcome any difficulties because that's the plot. whatever you said will come true because it's the plot. but that doesn't make it realistic. not even close.
you are 27, way too young. and i'm younger than you. then again i have been told i'm too serious for my age. i hope the person you have decided to change your heart for extended the same courtesy. and i hope they don't disappoint you.
deciding to share pain and happiness with someone is truly a brave thing to do. but i hope you are wise enough to know the difference between sharing pain and taking abuse. because if you don't, then you are never going to know when the line has been crossed.

I can't mistake that Ken was the one said " please let me alone". Mayama was not the one who set Yumi free, Yumi was the person who chose what he wanted to do after he's done with Ken. I don't want to talk much about this either, but being responsible and feeling guilty in the relationship are not the same things.
About Tachi, I must tell that you're way too focus on Nao and Nisshi, you forgot seeing how Tachi was thinking. Comparing to Nisshi witnessing what his lover doing with a girl, he run away without even knowing how thing had happened, he must though " ah I see enough " and became obsessed over his failure past.
Tachi's different, he loved Nao no matter what he loved him, even if Nao loved another girl, he still loved him. After they breaking up, Nao applied to a university not even near to what he wished to study just because he wanted to see Nao again, just having Nao by his side was more than everything to him.
But now he wanted to reconsider about the relationship. If you've read thoroughly the story, you must realize the reason for that neither catch and release nor for his sake but for Nao's sake, he loved him unconditionally, he hasn't once thought that his love could cause pain to Nao.
Love is not easy. Especially here, homosexual. It's very common to be disowned in Japan, it's sure not easy for parents to take it, he must not want Nao to be crushed by the sociality because of his love. Now, remember, both of them are straight not even gays, Tachi would think if it was not for him, then Nao wouldn't have to face all of this. It's very similar to what Nao thought in the end of volume1. I am very confident saying that Tachi didn't give a damn how the sociality nor his family would think about him being a homo, he only cares for Nao's. Knowing Tachi, he's always shadowy and bad at expressing his thoughts, dumb but sincere. He's just in a slump currently.
About me, I believe when people really wanted to change, then it's not because of our partners nor the sake of love, it's simply for our sake. Love has its up and down moments, there're many things you wouldn't know if you didn't go through them. And It's true you would never know when the line between sharing pain and taking abuse has been crossed, since there're no line. In a relationship, there are not always black and white, something can only felt by the heart.

I'm not focused on Nao and Nisshi at all. in fact they don't even have to get together at all. Nao can just enjoy the single life for a while. the only reason i wanted him to date Nisshi was because nisshi was there and was supportive. but it doesn't mean anything. I'm focused on taichi actually.
You are the who is too focused on Nao and taichi. You know maybe you have misunderstood, but never have i once said anything about Taichi never loving Nao. i know he loves nao. but i also know his love is harmful for nao. atleast at the moment. they should've gotten together even later, when they have both matured. and i didn't forget anything about what taichi was thinking. i just saw a pattern in his thinking that's all. you just like him so much that you will forgive him for anything. you are the person who gives endless chances. your partner must be one lucky person to have someone like you who will probably forgive them for anything. endless patience...quite a gift you have there. and i hope it remains a gift.
Our opinions won't match no matter how much you explain. So stop. i feel like i'm arguing with my sixteen year old self. i used to think like you too. you are too naive for your own good. Nevermind all that.
but you are wrong about the line. there is a line. don't deny the line's existence. otherwise you are also denying the existence of those people who were abused. and you don't have to tell me about the black and whites of relationships. i know them and i also about the shades in between.
i'm not gonna reply anymore. i feel like i have been going in a circle with you. Your Thoughts are too childish for my taste. and i'm sure my thoughts don't suit your taste as well. so goodbye and hope we never talk again.

I finally know one thing we share in common that I also feel like arguing with my sixteen year old self.
The different about me and sixteen year old ; the me now choose accept differences to understand new things. The sixteen - year - old would choose to accept what she already knew and to refuse all things she didn't know.
This's also my last reply, sometimes, it's fun talking with aggressive type, but when it's too much, it becomes boring.
This is starting to look like emotional abuse on Naoto. Back in high school and in uni, both times it was Taichi who initiated their relationship. Sure, in uni, naoto made the move first but it was taichi who was treating him all special and gave the wrong signals. Both times Naoto loved Taichi unconditionally, and both times Taichi naoto by being an asshole. Taichi needs to realize that Naoto is not openly gay either and he has family too. i never saw naoto falter. he must be scared too about coming out and telling his family. his love for taichi is unconditional and each and everytime it's only him who's fighting for this love. Taichi is too immature. I wish Nao would go with nisshi, they would make a much better pair than this Naoto and Taichi