From what I can understand; it's about the war sometimes the war is too much so the emotional trauma is a big of a burden to carry. Tom was just not in his right mind that time.. was trying to blame Henry because remember Henry locked Tom up so he won't go to the war.. Tom said if he didn't cross the line about the kiss and confession, he would've just pretended to be lock up in there so he won't have to experience that war.. he killed himself because of the guilt he felt while choking Henry and blaming him for the war thing. He was looking at his hands coz the same hand that saved Henry was now the hand that was trying to kill him.. it was all mix up, trauma and guilt and from his last words he need to end himself there or he'll kill Henry himself coz remember he was not in his right state of mind.
soooo what happened with Tom? Wy did he kill himself??