I agree 150%

Thank You. Truthfully, So Won role in this story to me is too make Yona be more mature and stronger. I still don't like what he did to Yona and her father. I hope So Won get punished and I get to read it. But then, seeing Yona smile with her own pack or friends while on the contrary So Won has no one but his general and his official beside him, I'm satisfied enough. Seeing Yona being free to go where she want, doing what she want, with whomever she want, it's a great things that she may not able to experience as a princess or as a liege or a queen of a kingdom. Seeing So Won has everything from his throne to his country but has no freedom to express what he want or be with who he want and all the thing he do is for the country or for the future, that's great probably as a ruler but also sad and lonely as a person. At least now, I won't be able to say that Yona is lonely. She has Hak and the other with her.
"that person who I held very dear, you trampled over her...."
Hak, you describe your and us, the reader, feelings perfectly. That's why I can't make myself to love So Won. I may not hate him but definitely not like him. As manipulative as he is, to manipulate a naive girl feelings is beyond over the top. But, I really should thank So Won because without his betrayal or treachery or coup d'etat, Yona won't be where she is now, meeting all the person she meet now. Yona won't even consider Hak or fall in love with him at all. So thank you So Won for betraying Yona for your betrayal make her stronger.