
That was just 2 years later in the second timeline/timezone - Seme in this life encounters W in a village (seme is 30 years old) and then 2 years later, in the same timeline/timezone, they went to the party (seme is 32 years old). There is no mentioning of the White haired Guy meeting the seme in his previous life.
Ok... So... He died (the original) and reincarnated into another guy (White hair)...
Cool so far.
Then... He meets his 30 year old self in this new body and lives with him (his 30 old versions from his previous life) for 2 years...
(⊙…⊙ )
Like...What? So... What happened to the original Guy? I mean... When He was alive, He didn't meet the White haired guy, so... doesn't that mean that the history changed? So the original guy doesn't exist anymore, right? If that's the case, how come the White haired guy has his memories from the previous life that doesn't exist anymore (cause the events changed which changed the future of the current version of the original Guy)? Or is he a reincarnated version of himself from another dimension/universe or something?
I am SO confused... ( ̄∇ ̄")