Yall are annoying

valentina June 10, 2021 1:42 pm

I wish yall would stop talking about the raws unless you actually understand whats happening in the story....I looked at the raws and it doesnt look like the seme gave the uke false hopes. I could be wrong but it looks like kangin rejects Jungkwon after the kiss and they both move on. Jungkwon starts dating the blonde dude and Kangin is still with Chisoo.....its weird how yall wanna keep vilifying Jungkwon when the writer has never done that.....if Kangin is hurt that Jungkwon kissed someone else, then oh well, he's literally is dating Chisoo

    Bazinga June 10, 2021 3:32 pm

    It was so funny seeing all these comments reacting to half assed explanations. For a moment I was like did we read the same raws?

    Anyone June 10, 2021 4:34 pm

    Righttttt, i mean sometimes we hurt a little when we see our ex kissed someone else but what i saw in raw it seems like kangjin decided to completly move on after seeing jun kiss someone else while jun still struggling to move one after he n kangjin kissed and hang out, i guess after finally befriend with kanjing he finally realizes that he still deeply in love with him and the guilt inside of him eating him completly at the end of chapter

    valentina June 10, 2021 5:23 pm
    Righttttt, i mean sometimes we hurt a little when we see our ex kissed someone else but what i saw in raw it seems like kangjin decided to completly move on after seeing jun kiss someone else while jun still st... Anyone

    Exactly and your explanation makes more sense cause he cried looking at their pics together

    valentina June 10, 2021 5:30 pm
    It was so funny seeing all these comments reacting to half assed explanations. For a moment I was like did we read the same raws? Bazinga

    right, its clear they just wanna make Jungkwon the villain when the writer has clearly never had those intentions. This isnt the first time they've done this either