The thing is kanjin never been loved before he met jun, hes craving love and affection so much and the fact that kanjin was born golden spoon so he didnt know what to do when he saw jun problems, he only knew jun desprately needed money so he gave him money to help him (from that kajin didnt realize it could hurt jun pride or dignity like i said kajin has everything but love) i mean tbh jun high dignity and stubborness pissed me off like he knew kajin didnt have any intention to hurt his pride and he had the AUDACITY to sproud harsh words to kajin when he knew kajin is mentally unstable when it comes to love. Tbh jun never said anything bout his problem or saying that theres some part he doesnt want kajin to know in advance and even jun didnt give him some time to understand or explaning the situation to kajin or what he want kajin to do or something (like proper talk) he just keep ignoring kajin so how could kajin understand him completly. Maybe thats why the manhwa title is Born to be fool

I mean yes to some point but like it’s common sense to understand especially when Jun was crawling bro!! Urgh that shet broke my heart. Well, Jun can’t possibly tell anything to Kanjin cus at the point of their relationship he just want love from Jun who is already can’t be worrying about other things. I feel like Kanjin is living in a fantasy world in pursuit of love while Jun can’t escape his reality and have to face it. Jun did tell him about his family but he just can’t be fully open yet. I mean any relationship when it’s new no one will give it their all because they have to proceed with caution that’s why he told Kanjin to not go to his house. It’s not like Jun didn’t explain it so he can understand it’s more like Kanjin is thinking more about himself cus of his own issue.
The funny thing is that why should Jun be the only one to understand and not say anything when all he can do is vent his anger. While Kanjin didn’t even try to understand him but end up being the one that hurt the most. I get his condition but that doesn’t mean that he’s losing his common sense to understand a very obvious problem of his lover right infront of his eyes. Also, Jun honestly don’t have the time to look after Kanjin and trying to get Kanjin to understand him. I would’ve been in the middle and not so much on Jun side have Kanjin didn’t said how Jun’s life is pathetic. Idk y the only thing he got out of the situation of the person he said he love is pathetic. That’s probably why it reflect to Jun and bounce back at him with a break up.
One last thing, when I read to that point I was like well the title is wrong, it’s not “Bound to be fool” but was Born a Fool (aka Kanjin). He should study harder if anything and earn his rightful love by a rightful person. That was mean but hey it was just a “thought” during the time I was reading lol
I give a harsh criticism but I don’t dislike this manhwa it’s pretty good to some points.

Right i forgot about that lol, i guess maybe bc i can relate to kangjin.. so thats why i understand him like i guess bc of the abuses u cant help but being selfish.. i was like that to my ex bc i was so afraid being abonded by him i kept looking for him no matter what his situation were and needed for some enssurance all the time especially when things becoming more strange but the thing is he always refuse to have proper talk to the point he got annoyed and spoke harsh words to me to make me give up.. so maybe the reason he went to his house bc he was worried sick and jun didnt wanna talk about his problem just bc they just have new relantionship but bc he didnt want kangjin to get involved or knew that side of his life but that doesnt mean he can speak those words. Like what i said kangjin only knew that his problem was debt and the situation he saw is that his family needed money and what he didnt understand the fact that giving him money would hurt his PRIDE (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ like what should he do when jun already got mad and ignoring him, he just wanna help him ╥﹏╥

Ah I see. Mm I feel you and I can also relate to Kanjin too. Is a bit funny but I honestly feel like I have the same illness as Kanjin too. But rushing your partner and poking into his private space where he haven’t or doesn’t want to be open for you yet will only destroy the new relationship you’ve made because at the end you two are “just” boy”friend” and girl(or boy)”friend” and not a married couple that can/ should share small or big issue with each other. It’s a bit sad when we want more than just their boyfriend love but can’t cross the fact that we are still somewhat in the “friend” zone relationship. So there’s only so much a girl/boyfriend can do even if you feel insecure bcus they don’t talk much. So, I decide to believe in my bf and not worry about his family members. If it’s bad to the point he needs help we will tell and if anything what he really need is emotionally support not my nosiness poking deeper. I was sad when he said harsh thing to me too, but at the end of the day I try to think rationally and it is true that I’ve cross the line I shouldn’t. Sometime it’s not just about them being too prideful it’s more like respecting each other privacy when you haven’t marry yet and to believe in them. It’s not just them but you should admit the things you’re doing wrong too or the two of you won’t be able to move on together.
Can’t say Jun words are not harsh but I feel like I would’ve done the same if I were him too. But like not that harsh lol. It’s just Kanjin knew Jun don’t have money and struggling just to get food in the mouth but still want him to go play instead of being a better influencer. He want Jun to treat him like a baby and when they still respect each other privacy, Jun did treat him like that. It’s not like Jun is hiding his problem from Kanjin but when you have no one to rely on it’s hard to rely on a person that wants to rely on you. I honestly feel like if Kanjin really want to help, he should have approach it smart especially when his family is rich. He can totally take advantage of that and help Jun in a better way if he also take the heart to study seriously. (That’s why I said born to be a fool not bound to be a fool ) It’s not wrong for Kanjin to give him the money but it’s more like he left the money there and didn’t ask. Like making sure Jun understand that Kanjin saw his worst but didn’t think that he’s pathetic but rather want to help. He didn’t even talk with Jun about it or ask if he needs help that’s why in a way it’s like he is mocking Jun, especially when there’s like what $50 lol that’s why Jun’s blood boil. But I guess at the end of the day, money is money no matter how much. I guess the other person is just trying to help but lol I gotta say, need to be wary of Jun feeling before his situation or he will go crazy like that. What he really need from Kanjin is emotional support not this kind of support. If I were Kanjin when I see the situation at his house I would’ve yell at the gangster or at least run to Jun side (I mean it’s a manga so why not? ) and not look at him shaken like he have seen Jun’s pathetic side instead of his weakness. What’s more funny is that he ran away when Jun see him and I just feel like if you want to know more about him and poke deep enough to see a gory scene then man up and take responsibility for the nosiness and be there for him. If not then that be the end when you cross the line with someone but end up not taking responsibility. It will just ruin the relationship between you two.
I don’t blame you or Kanjin for feeling like that bcus I do too. But with our nosiness we need to be responsible for the consequence when we got what we seek but end up hurting the other person even if what we hurt is their “pride” it’s still hurting them. I’ve reflected more than once before correcting my action T..T cus like I honestly don’t think I’m wrong in wanting to know more and help him, BUT I forgot that my status is still that of “A” girlFRIEND.
╥﹏╥ I decide to support him by being there next to him silently hugging him instead. Sometime, the silence speaks louder than thousand words too.

You right after so many years kangjin shouldve been understanding bout jun more (im the same as u tho but it took me a years after break up to finally understand why he was so mad at me) but i guess he just too caught up with so much emotion therefore he cant think straight anymore to the point he planned to get revenge to make him taste the harsh words he spoken to him many years ago (like the words he was saying is just too harsh to someone whos mentally unstable) ╥﹏╥ (they both didnt understand each other like kangjin fully trust him thats why he rely on him a lot but on the other hand after knowing the abuses kangjin had to face jun wanted him to rely on him even tho he needs someone to rely on bout his other problem but he just choose to keep it away from kangjin and just wanted to make kangjin as his rest or happy place, then things finally get complicated mybe kangjin wanted jun to rely on him but jun still refuse to do so, like if jun wanted kangjin effaction and just to be by his side without said or do anything he couldve said so why would he still got mad for that extent, i mean kangjin tried apologizing and to show his effaction but jun still refuse(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ like jun didnt know what he want or do to kangjin after he saw his worst situation bc he still so caught up wih the emotion like betrayal, shame and his pride got hurt. on the other hand kangjin didnt know what to do after not hearing anything bout him for days worried sick so he decided to go to jun house even after all that happened he still think he is not in wrong position bc it is just common sense that when the person u love so much suddenly dissapier u would go looking for him even tho u were being told not to come to his house ┗( T﹏T )┛). Maybe he didnt know another way to help him since hes a highschooler (things bout how to deal with gangster and stuff) and didnt tell him bout the money bc jun still refuse to talk to him (maybe he thought oh ok jun didnt wanna talk to me or still mad so the least i can do is giving him money) but the story gets better i guess bc the author didnt pick side (though i pick kangjin side bc of the words jun said to him hurt me so bad), the author leading them to learn bout their mistake in another way (not with the bad intention to each other) but with the new relantionship they have with someone else.

Yeah good character development later on is good but I hope it happen in this manhwa lol…but yeah two kids won’t be able to do much about such situation. I totally understand Kanjin and it’s not like I’m on Jun side either lol it’s just this situation is understandable if you’re looking at it from a third pov but when you’re involve…mmm..it will probably end up the same as that. And every mistake can be learn from and to do better and don’t repeat the same mistake. Whereas for Kanjin even after the long years he never thought about Jun’s situation and only care about his broken heart. But I can understand that it’s very traumatic for him when harsh words were throwing at him when he’s just trying to help. I hope it end with a happy ending and I’ll read after it complete lmao
It feels like it’s serious and deep but at the same time a joke. It’s funny how Kanjin can’t understand the reason why he got dump even though he was there when the shittiest thing happen to Jun’s family. Instead of cooling down and or whatever it is trying to approach in a different way, he gave the money to Jun in the wrong situation. I don’t think Kanjin is at fault and going around about love is not a joke, but if you really love him like you said then why didn’t you try to understand him first instead of just pushing your love on him and wanting him and he is already burden with so much. I feel bad for Jun his life is like never good and a lover who don’t understand him like Kanjin WHO is also NOW involve with a GANGSTER is like two sharp end blade for Jun. honestly the gangster looks hot though and Kanjin can have him. I think it will be better and healthier for Jun to get someone who can understand him, help him, and grow with him better than for Jun to constantly worry about Kanjin as well as his family situation which is like so bad that he don’t even have time to think about a lover or other people other than himself. He is struggling enough…T_T
Urgh it’s giving me too much anxiety. Imma have this on hiatus until it’s completed and I’ll come back to read lol