Sorry... your nick an photo... I... idn if I love u or fight u to death over him... xD
On another note... we have so much fauxcest lately (ya know, the fake ince where they're "not blood related") that anything family related goes under the sus banner for a while... and dang I'll be disappointed if his obsession goes beyond platonic or goes on a romantic way... just no pls gos no... if it does pls someone spoil me so I can drop it instead of wasting time...

as i know he doesn't love her romantically but real obsessed with her or sth. im not sure i didnt read the whole novel but i read some spoilers.
seriously tho i understand why ppl are biased since we have stories like Beware of the Brothers where they were basically raised as siblings - FL also lived a lifetime seeing them as brothers and nothing more- then ppl say "but they're not blood related!!!" sorry but it's still incest lol

Glad to know! I can read it in peace then...
Honestly I've been seeing a lot of those lately and it worries me seeing that not blood related argument in the comments. The ones who usually think that are sexual predators going after step-daughters... who tend to be minors. And that actually happens a lot in reality. I can't help but read it and associate it with people who see a 13-14yo "dating" an adult and say that it's ok cuz she is "the mature type".
I've read Beware till I realized mid story the the ml would be the brother and not her childhood friend perfectly fine fiance. My main thought was just how their parents would feel about it and how could the other 2 brothers accept it. No matter what excuses I'm fed... it's still unacceptable to me.
Why aren't yall able to handle rlly happy sibling relationships? There are some who claim this is incest but in general u guys are the ones who are sexualizing a sibling relationship between a brother who truly loves and cares for his sister with an illness, yall are weird. Also I keep seeing dion mentions in the comments, so lemme say dion just has other purposes