0 stars

Showmeyourboobs June 10, 2021 10:32 am

ngtl some can spoil everything for me this story is complete crap I could only get to chapter 24 before it just got too much. All the characters are bad and poorly written. How are you suppose to enjoy a manhwa when none of the characters are good? When I hear all the bad reviews I just thought that they were overeating but no this story is complete shit. Dating some one just because they look like your ex is already a red flag. I only wanted to read this because I thought there would be trans rep but no this story is garbage and wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy

    Cutie June 14, 2021 5:38 pm

    Just wait for the last chapter, I'm crying~ ╥﹏╥

    francis June 23, 2021 7:50 am

    no one would even consider jimin as trans. it's sad asf.