OMGG girl i love you for saying this, these bitches in the comments are crazy and need their heads pulled out from their ass. They think that abusive ass relationships are so cute and nice because of “character development” as if an abusers irl actually get development, they wouldn’t be saying that shit if it was a man and a women lmaoo, wonho not only abused min-ki for several years both emotionally and physically but got abused himself so now he has a pass, now all of a sudden they love him and call the pure happy couple boringg. I don’t think they've ever delt with a narcissist because they are EXTREMELY Insecure and abusive. They come here to read about toxic bl which to me just seems like fetishization…

I read this story a year ago and every time i held the 2nd couple accountable for their horrible actuations, and i would bring up the fact that wonho definitely has Stockholm syndrome, the only reason he got with eunwhoo was because he had no other choice and no one to support him, he’s just stuck with him even after he abused him for so long, and people would try to argue with me, they’ll do anything to defend them. At this point it’s embarrassing..

Ppl be thinking if u have different opinion is being "cool" but this sentence cant be applied in every opportunity. i bet my life that those same ppl wouldnt be saying the same if this is real life couple... i still think the 2nd couple need to go to jail/community service or atleast rehab and go to psychiatrist..

Girl/boy we know that in real life, it's wrong, but if we applied every story we read and compared it to real life, no story would be enjoyable, people can like things fictionally without them liking it in real life. Ya'll are so weird for combining real life and stories, like how do ya'll actually enjoy stories? Ya'll say "if it was real life, if it was real life" if it was real life, none of us would justify it, none of us because it happens to real people however in this manhwa, it's a story for god sake.

U talk as if the only thing story exist is this kinda story? Like?? The moment u justified a rape, maniputlation,killing,toxic love story as in "it was just a story" thats where i question ur morality. I dont care whether if it was fiction or not , i still frown upon that story. Dont get me wrong i still read it but that doesnt mean i have to agree or even justify the action some character did. I dont know bout you but thats just me. The moment i questioned my bottom line i know for sure it wont do me any good in the future cuz i know the line will blurred somewhere especially when in real life ppl easily justify the act of rape and toxic love either by blaming the victim or staying for the sake of kids, family or tgeir past memories.
Story that has healthy couple vs toxic couple, triangle love story that has normal healthy pair vs toxic pair
Toxic in this case is basicially rapist, manipulator, cheater, assault, etc....
U really will see ppl be rooting and normalise the toxic side and being edgy by saying the normal healthy pair is B.O.R.I.N.G...
Which that alone be a proof for decreasing the quality of human being brain and bottom line