when he rent a dragon just for you 💯

mat June 10, 2021 9:17 am

when he rent a dragon just for you

    ag.jjtj June 10, 2021 9:18 am

    When he owns a dragon-

    RainyLovesBL June 10, 2021 9:20 am
    When he owns a dragon- ag.jjtj

    When he owns an army

    ag.jjtj June 10, 2021 11:35 am
    When he owns an army RainyLovesBL

    Owning a dragon is more impressive imo

    RainyLovesBL June 10, 2021 12:25 pm
    Owning a dragon is more impressive imo ag.jjtj

    The army more impressive because he has n assassin that's an ant, a bear named tank, etc. Plus their interaction with each other (Specially Iron) is funnier

    mat June 10, 2021 12:57 pm
    The army more impressive because he has n assassin that's an ant, a bear named tank, etc. Plus their interaction with each other (Specially Iron) is funnier RainyLovesBL

    but the dragon is cuter uwu (the interactions are peretty funny tho i love them)

    ag.jjtj June 10, 2021 1:58 pm
    The army more impressive because he has n assassin that's an ant, a bear named tank, etc. Plus their interaction with each other (Specially Iron) is funnier RainyLovesBL

    Still, dragon is THE DRAGON. I mean… don’t get me wrong I love Beru, he’s my fav, BUT dragons are just on another level of cool

    RainyLovesBL June 10, 2021 8:12 pm
    Still, dragon is THE DRAGON. I mean… don’t get me wrong I love Beru, he’s my fav, BUT dragons are just on another level of cool ag.jjtj

    It's not like it's uncommon to see people having dragons in fictions. Specially since how to train your dragon exists. Plus I prefer the diversity and actual uniqueness of the army, while wyvern just.. Looks good

    ag.jjtj June 10, 2021 11:27 pm
    It's not like it's uncommon to see people having dragons in fictions. Specially since how to train your dragon exists. Plus I prefer the diversity and actual uniqueness of the army, while wyvern just.. Looks go... RainyLovesBL

    Exactly, in fictions. I’m talking here real life situation. I’m just sayin that if I had to choose a man who has an army or a dragon, I would choose a dragon. Since people do have actual armies irl (cause I’m not talking Jin-who’s specific army here but overall an army), I prefer a dragon

    RainyLovesBL June 11, 2021 3:42 pm
    Exactly, in fictions. I’m talking here real life situation. I’m just sayin that if I had to choose a man who has an army or a dragon, I would choose a dragon. Since people do have actual armies irl (cause I... ag.jjtj

    So far all the dragon has done is fly. Nothing is special about it other the fact its a shadow. Doesn't breathe fire, can't transform into a human, doesn't even talk or anything.. Imo an army of orcs, ant warriors, snow bears, and some shadow humans is more impressive and cooler specially you can see dragons in these kind of stories everywhere

    ag.jjtj June 12, 2021 1:24 am
    So far all the dragon has done is fly. Nothing is special about it other the fact its a shadow. Doesn't breathe fire, can't transform into a human, doesn't even talk or anything.. Imo an army of orcs, ant warri... RainyLovesBL

    Re-read my comment please. I clearly said: I’m talking here about real life stuff and not this kind of stories. As in real life many people have armies but none have dragons, therefor having a bf with a dragon would be simply cooler, for me

    RainyLovesBL June 12, 2021 8:03 am
    Re-read my comment please. I clearly said: I’m talking here about real life stuff and not this kind of stories. As in real life many people have armies but none have dragons, therefor having a bf with a drago... ag.jjtj

    If we're talking real life it would be even more impressive for the army to exist. Dragons are overrated lol

    ag.jjtj June 12, 2021 3:26 pm

    That’s your opinion lol. To me owning something that doesn’t exist and no one has it is way better then owning something that already exists and other people have.