Don’t just excuse min doing nothing wrong. Yes it was a pretend relationship, so min can’t be blamed for not reciprocating Yuma’s feelings at the time. HOWEVER you completely missed the point that Min never said she was dating someone else. That could’ve changed things entirely if Min had told her right away and Yuna could restrain her feelings more. She wouldn’t have been able to expect more from Min. Though the reason why min might not have been able to say anything is because her partner is a professor, however min could’ve easily just said something vague and be like: “I’m dating another woman.”
Honestly if I were yuna, if I knew that info right away, I wouldn’t have even started the pretend relationship due to the fact that I’d feel bad for her lover.

The difference is that Min knew what yuna wanted to use her for (to keep away annoying guys). But Yuna was clueless as to what Min was using her for. People are especially mad because Min now realizes her feelings after the relationship is over, and is now going after Yuna. When during their whole “pretend” relationship, Yuna was gaining genuine feelings, while Min was happily playing around with her real lover. Min also didn’t really set boundaries to how far they could “act” as a couple when she has a lover too.

Yeah, the whole Min's couple act went overboard. I think, it was even noted by Yuna at the beginning that she doesn't really need to do such things. People tend to have feeling for those, who are especially kind to them, wether it's gratitude or something more. So Min behaving in a special way towards her was easily misunderstood as Min considering her special.

What your saying is true but mini only took the opportunity that was given to her. It would have been better for both of them if mini had said she was in a relationship. Maybe yuna would not have fallen in love or would have but not been as hurt but she never lied or showed any romantic signs toward yuna. Was mini suppose to be heartless towards yuna?

She realized her feeling before the break up but didnt want to hurt the professor and choose to remain true to professor. And for the boundaries they was nothing that went too far. Yuna took her home but even in yunas house no romance accord, when they was suppose to be doing a romantic dance yuna make it acrobatic. All the other things like carry yuna On her back, helping her clean was all done out of kindness.

But people don't usually do such things out of simple kindness, it is highly uncommon. That was even noted by Yun's friend. She spent an unnecessarily great amount of time and attention on Yuna, it is not expected of a pretend-lover. It even somewhat exceeds best friendship limits. I think, 8 out of 10 people would find it over the top.

Many of the things she did can make people misunderstand. Min isn’t dumb either, she’s a smart girl- so I think she would know better what is leading someone on and what is just being nice.
For the boundaries part, I’m mainly talking about min’s side. She has a REAL lover, however never told her real gf and even went over to another girl’s house alone. Sure min never intended to do anything, but regardless- if you are in a relationship with someone, you should have your own boundaries. She never needed to go out on a date with yuna (which she did and is COMPLETELY leading someone on (on the day she broke things off), never needed to go to her house, etc. Only had to act in front of people at school. She could’ve easily kept her distance outside of school but she didn’t. She should know better not to do those things when she has a lover who knows nothing about it.

I get what your saying. She should have set up boundaries since she was in a relationship. If yuna was also lesbian i would have seen how mini would be leading her on. But the fact is yuna was suppose to be straight so mini though of her as a friend. Thats why to her she didn’t think that she was hurting min when she kept the whole girlfriend thing a secret.and she should not have got in a pretend relationship when she already had a lover and she should have told her lover what was going on. But again she did this whole thing to save the professorr reputation and their relationship and keep people from focusing on their relationship. That’s why the professor didn’t get mad when she found out and only got jealous. If their relationship was strong the professor would have gotten really angry but she couldn’t because she wasn’t doing anything to keep their relationship going and the professor even though they’re relationship was way over.

People like this exist everywhere thats why most people end up falling for their friends because of their kindness. And when yuna and her friend suspected that mini might not be pretending and migh actually be in love yuna asked her about how if its was only pretend and mini said yeah. And that should have been enough for her fo see that mini didnt like her like that
People hating on min are wrong for dat. It was a PRETEND relationship. And mini didn’t owe yuna any love but good acting which she did and even went above. Its not mini fault that yuna went and fall in love with an act and expect the words “ i love you” she never asked why mini was willing to help and just accepted to date another girl and when she asked mini is she like her she clearly said noooo but yuna through the whole story kept on expecting mini to confess her love for her. If yuna had the courage to ask mini out for real mini would have realized what she felt but yuna acting like things is over before it even began.