This gonna be deep & dark....
Based on the spoiler I've read (I don't know whether it's trustable or not so don't blame me lol)
Turn out the war that she's worried about was plan by her husband, Duke Bernhardt + Duke Garten + Grand Duke Callix of Bethel (the king's half brother) all along... They're planning for rebellion to make Callix the next King....
Ercella will then divorced her husband, try to mediate about the rebel, settle this & that, and then later go back to her mother home country... Her mother was a royal thus she was treated as royal there...
Harsen will be labelled as traitor and sentenced to death... But as you all know, ML never dies... So yeah... lol
She will bring her son, Vicente to her mother home country and live there...
There's so many conflict in between... I want to spoil more but yeah need to see how it goes...
Oh yeah it's happy ending... lol
Cause she will proposed to Harsen to be her husband... They will finally able to love fully without thinking about family and status... The end...
But I think there's side stories about those first timeline after her death... Interesting huh...

lol I'll try.... XD
They said that Caron, her brother is the one who turn back time so she can be re-live... He really loves and care for Ercella deeply... But sadly he will die in the new timeline... Gosh my heart!!! I hope it's not true... Sob sob
Caron left a will which appointed Ercella as the next Visaride Marquis instead of his legitimate son... Because of that, Ercella decide to divorce his husband because she can't be Bernhardt and Visaride at the same time so she choose her family side...
At that time Harsen had given up on the rebel because she's no longer by his side and he thought what's the point of those fighting when the one his love is no longer with him... But it's all too late for him to withdraw..
To save his son, he denounced Vicente as the next heir... Vicente than follow his mom to other country and start new life...
Wow I've just read the spoiler and ngl, this is the most dark and deep mess of light regression manhwa ever... My head is spinning @_@