It is not "indefinite hiatus" however it is on a momentary hiatus

Ryushen (Midori) liker June 10, 2021 2:10 am

I've seen this tweet circulating around and there is a serious problem with the wording to describe Akutami taking a break to recover his health. For people who follow this account, it is UNOFFICIAL so take everything with a grain of salt

While literally it is "a hiatus without a set date to return", indefinite hiatus is usually used to refer to when there aren't really plans to continue but people don't want to make it a full stop in case they actually continue with the story later on. Usually if they do come back from the hiatus, it's usually after a long period of time like several years, but when this phrase is used it's 90% not going to continue. In JP, indefinite hiatus is usually XX休止 where XX would be the activity you're taking a hiatus from.

In the original JP tweet, the wording is しばらくの間休載, meaning "(the serialization) is suspended for a while for the time being" which has a MUCH lighter connotation to it in JP. しばらく is used to denote waiting for a relatively short period of time, such as right before a movie or concert to tell people it will start soon. In the tweet, Akutami says he plans to take around a month of rest so it fits under the use of this term.

Personally i think he should take a longer break because working to create ~30p chapters weekly is REALLY stressful and many authors have experienced declines in their health working under these tight deadlines but ultimately it's his choice. i just hope he can rest up well and if after a month he decides to extend his break, he's more than welcome to do so.
