D for me because i personally don't have the courage to call someone out in person (it's just my character).. also not sure about teachers since if it was that severe it would probably go straight to the police from me.
E would also work for me but I wouldn't befriend the victim per se, i'd just go out of my way to make them feel better for a few minutes and then go on with my life afterward... im not about to carry a burden i dont need for the sake of being 'nice' or out of 'pity'
d, although this may not sound super pleasant, but i’d also take photos or vids for evidence. not e though, not trying to offend others since i saw a lot of ppl were saying they’d do that.. i get that you’re trying to be sympathetic and helping me, but i think it would kind of feel like they’re mocking me if i were the victim.
Nope. It is pleasant and actually the smart thing to do in my opinion. At some cases tho i may end up doing c, I'm rather impulsive.
Also i completely understand your point. As a person who has been bullied before, my mindset during those events was rather chaotic. I was depressed and any sort of kindness would end up making me feel as if the other person is pitying me. Nobody wants to be pitied.
the funeral example is a completely different situation that doesn't at all connect with feelings that lead you to help or not to help someone. In a funeral that person has died, is already lost and you've never met them, of course you won't cry but in a situation were someone gets bullied you have the chance to help the person since you're empathetic. You feel what they feel, which is suffering and since you don't want to be in a situation like that yourself you unconsciously don't want that person to feel and experience something bad either. You see yourself in their place. Plain as that. If you were in a sticky situation yourself, you'd need someone to stop it. You treat others how you want to be treated, with warmth. Of course not everyone is like that and not everyone would understand what i mean. Many people have low or zero empathy and i guess that's natural to them since this is how they grew. To some the sentence "Each on their own" is a way of life. I'm not judging, I'm just mentioning.
Hello. I have a question: If someone got bullied right in front of you, in a really severe way (physical abuse, humiliation e.t.c), would you:
a) Stand by and do nothing out of fear that you'd get bullied too
b) Stand by, laugh and curse at the victim along with the bullies just so that you'd please the crowd and fit in (even tho deep inside you know this is wrong) then tell yourself that you're not the actual bully just because someone else started like a pathetic hypocrite
c) Try to protect the victim in an obvious way, stopping the bullies directly and risk getting also bullied
d)Try to protect the victim from behind the scenes, even tho you know that the teachers don't do much and end up risking perhaps exposing the victim in some sort of way instead of really helping them
e) try to befriend the victim and try to make them feel better, risking again gatting bullied
Please select one of the letters and if you're not bored, explain to me your reasons.