I love this bitter feeling <3

kzimotra June 9, 2021 2:54 pm

I love this bitter feeling <3

    Ryu June 9, 2021 3:12 pm

    I wish the emperor gets jealous and loses his shit cause he deserves it. I still remember Shen Yu's feelings of betrayal when the prostitute slept with Jun XuanXiao and he deliberately let Shen Yu find out. I also still remember the rice carved with JXX's name on it that he carelessly threw away. And for what? For an elabortate plot to find the mausoleum by having the Emperor abduct Shen Yu.

    JXX isn't dumb, he knows that the emperor may sleep with Shen Yu if he goes with his plans, but he still went along with it... and has the audacity to claim that he loves Shen Yu, but is ok with the idea of having Shen Yu by the arms of the emperor if it gets his plans into fruition.

    He dug his grave, now lay in it.