I usually end up supporting the main leads due to the fact that they're gonna end up with ...

poiuytre June 8, 2021 11:30 pm

I usually end up supporting the main leads due to the fact that they're gonna end up with the mc no matter what. But this is the ONE story where I support the second lead sm. Yawhi... bro... at least in other manwhas, I can be like "this is fictional, so whatever" cuz even when they're being r@pey, it kinda fits the story (idk if that makes sense). But the kinds words Yawhi used are the same things an ACTUAL r@pist would say!! And when juxtaposed with CAIN??!?!? Bro, I'm sorry, I'm probably NEVER going to be on Yawhi's side. Team Cain forever :DDDD
