I agree that Senzaki lost it( I can imagine him working as a killer for Karino's family,so maybe he and tatsumi will stay together.....it's a family business XD)
Anyway,I feel bad for him but you can't kill your boyfriend's brother LOL however,he loves Tatsumi and is willing to do anything for him, I hope they get back together.
Now going back to Karino, the only thing I can say is that he is a Boss Ass B*tch.

*I can imagine him working as a killer for Karino's family, so maybe he and tatsumi will stay together.....it's a family business XD)*
I agree! Totally! And everyone lives! :DDD
*Now going back to Karino, the only thing I can say is that he is a Boss Ass B*tch.*
Such an adorable Boss Ass B*tch ;)))

Not necessarily. It makes Senzaki less manipulative, but also more honest. It's more of a personality trait than an indicator of intelligence. Senzaki is smart enough not to buy into the kind of BS many other students do, and he's at least a real bad ass and not a poser like the old delinquent guy. For all we know, he rocks quadratic equations in his head and holds the secret to cold fusion, but instead of talking about it, he's acting out his anger issues and playing sex games with his sub.
Here is the thing: if you feel insecure or less powerful, you are more likely to be indirect and manipulative instead of fighting straight on. If you family and peer group have taught you not to express yourself, you become sneaky. You are more likely to go along with whatever authority says and blame the crappy things you do on society or peer pressure or the fact that someone else told you to do it. On the other hand, if you have no regard for rules or other people whatsoever, you are likely to go too far the other way and place no limits on yourself.
Karino was initially manipulative, bu he made himself strong enough to come at Azusa straight on. It was a game, but Karino is more honest that Kuze because he admits it was a game and he now says he wants Azusa to fight. This tells me Karino is emotionally stronger and more dependable than Kuze--but that Karino may still not be quite strong enough to admit all of his feelings yet.
Senzaki is strong enough to admit all of his feelings. He is strong enough to act on them directly--perhaps too directly. He could use a bit of an internal filter there--or some sort of self-check processes. Parents and special pressure keep just about everybody else in check, but no one checks Senzaki--except for Tatsumi.

"What if Senzaki tries to hurt Azusa to get back at Karino, will you still like him? "
I would not like that action, but (1) I trust Azusa to take care of himself and (2) I would forgive Senzaki if it is clear things are settled and he won't harm my boy. I forgive a frontal attack (if I think the issue is settled). I can forgive someone who can't admit to feelings and goes about things in a crappy way if I see authentic character growth. I will never forgive someone who smiles and claims to love someone but acts emotionally and sometimes physically abusive ways whenever pressure builds up, especially if that person thinks of himself as a good guy who has done nothing wrong.

*It makes Senzaki less manipulative, but also more honest. It's more of a personality trait than an indicator of intelligence.*
He tries to kill his lover's brother - wow, that's honest, and he ends up being dumped - oh yea, intelligence level is overwelming.
*For all we know, he rocks quadratic equations in his head and holds the secret to cold fusion*
We are told that Karino is one of the best students at school, we yet to hear something like about Senzaki.
*if you feel insecure or less powerful, you are more likely to be indirect and manipulative instead of fighting straight on.*
Or you're just smart and smooth, and know how to play the game.
*On the other hand, if you have no regard for rules or other people whatsoever, you are likely to go too far..*
And probably end up in prison some day.
*It was a game, but Karino is more honest that Kuze because he admits it was a game and he now says he wants Azusa to fight.*
Karino knows what's he's doing and he IS playing a game, while Kuze really thinks he's a nice careing person.
*Karino may still not be quite strong enough to admit all of his feelings yet.*
He doesn't have those strong feelings yet, his career is more important for him.
*Senzaki is strong enough to admit all of his feelings*
And we just saw the result of those feelings. While Karino has to push Azusa to fight back, which means Azusa is not eager to do that.

Yeah, IF.. But Azusa is not strong enough to stand against Senzaki.

Azusa is a survivor. He's had grown ass men hitting him when he mouths off to his mom's clients. He doesn't look like it, but he can run really fast. And look at him in the raws--He pushed his way to the front of people watching the fight and blocked the rest out. Near the end, his fists are clenched and he is ready to jump in if needed. I think Azusa would do better than the posers and wannabe delinquents, because Azusa knows what real fights are like. Sure, Azusa may end up running, but he won't get killed.

I thought Azusa and Tatsumi had the high marks (in the top 3 each)? I am sure Karino does well too--but I don't remember his rank. We know Azusa can apply his practical intelligence to the real world because he figured out who took the pictures based on the camera angle. We know Karino can apply political intelligence to the real world, and we know Tatsumi also does in a different way.
We don't know about Senzaki. We don't know if he is smart or in what ways he may be smart or how he may apply it. We know Senzaki is impulsive and aggressive, but that doesn't tell us anything about intelligence. For example, someone with ADD or ADHD can be impulsive and even act aggressively and still have a genius level IQ. I'm not saying that's likely--we just don't know. Maybe growing up in Karino's family teaches kids to apply intelligence in a political way, while growing up in a Yakuza family taught Senzaki that if you are a crazy and dangerous SOB, no one fucks with you. I mean, if you are in the Yakuza, getting a rep as the guy who goes too far may make people leave you alone--it could actually be smart for that situation.
I know Karino's your boy, so you don't like anyone who threatens him. Don't worry--poor loser Karino will have big strong Azusa to save him--for a price. Mu-ha-ha!

I think Senzaki is the only 100% honest character in this story, he loves Tatsumi without any doubt, he's a bad boy and act like himself without submit at the game, he's not stupid but his problem is that is 100% instinct. The difference from Karino is that Karino comes by a family that face troubles with "intelligence", Senzaki comes (for what we know" by a family that face problems with violence. I really wonder how he will react at the Tatsumi "betrayal".

*I thought Azusa and Tatsumi had the high marks (in the top 3 each)? *
Never read anything like that.
*I am sure Karino does well too--but I don't remember his rank. *
6th rank.
*We don't know about Senzaki.*
And what we know doesn’t show any sign of intelligence.
*Don't worry--poor loser Karino will have big strong Azusa to save him--for a price. Mu-ha-ha!*
Exactly, even for you that sounds RIDICULOUS ;)

*he's not stupid but his problem is that is 100% instinct*
Those two contradict each other - he's either not stupid or 100% instinct.

Not really. Actually there are different types of intelligence, and "good instincts" can be seen as one of them. Go watch "Finding Dory". It will be good for your black soul. ;-) (That's a joke).
"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." (Quote often attributed to Einstein--I have no idea where it really comes from).

"Those two contradict each other - he's either not stupid or 100% instinct."
Is true, but is difficult to me explain well what i wanna say :P
I mean that Senzaki has not temper, he's simply catch fire in an istant and then BOOM.
Like Tatsumi says "He's a little crazy, the world that he sees is different from ordinary" because he's an extremist who have a drastic way to deal to EVERYTHING.
I can't relate it to intelligence but more to personality. Karino personality instead is more "functional" due his "coldness". I hope now is more clear

I Tatsumi got the second highest score at one point, but he carefully had some wrong so that his rank would be second to his class king:
Karino congratulates Azusa for being ranked 3rd in 'shis class, and a girl snarks about how Azusa must have played dirty tricks to get that (but I don't necessarily think he did--I think hes actually kind of smart in some ways).
As for Senzaki, you are assuming because we don't know that much about a character, he cannot be more than he appears. But we don't know.
I think Senzaki may just be an existentialist. Senzaki is smart enough t o know that you don't have to be afraid of getting hurt. He says, "Pain is proof that you are alive." When Kierkegaard wrote shit like that, they called him a philosopher and published his books. Satre runs around drinking and having sex with his students, and he just says, "“Anything, anything would be better than this agony of mind, this creeping pain that gnaws and fumbles and caresses one and never hurts quite enough.” and people call him a genius. Senzaki may actually cross over into nihilism, except that he loves Tatsumi. This and Senzaki's initial comment that no one lived up to his expectations makes me believe he is a man in search of meaning. He is authentic. He is in the moment and extreme. He is Nietzsche's wet dream. Don't assume he is less because he is passionate and lives in the moment--it may be his thing.

totally agree. there is a fine line between genius and madness and sometimes madness is genius.
Anyway,senzaki represents freedom from all social rules and obligations,he doesn't want to fit in the norm,he just wants to live and love at the fullest. While Karino is very different from him,Karino is machiavellian he has a cynical disregard for morality and a focus on self-interest and personal gain. They are very different so it's useless to compare them. Senzaki wants to be free from the social rules while Karino wants to rule over society.

You like to generalize and assume things and we can through a bunch of aforisms at each other and put a big dot to it by Voltaire's: "Ancient Rome that gave the world a lot of words with a little sense" and it's ok, it's just that geniuses are the separate caste and to be crazy DOESN'T MEAN to be genius. As for Senzaki, the only thing that we know about him for now is that he's crazy and he did extremely stupid thing, and as a result he lost someone he was ready to kill for.
PS I will watch Finding Dory when i feel like it and maybe it will do some good, but as far as I can see it didn't work miracles with your black soul ;) (that's a joke)

It's ok, and I'm not saying that Senzaki is stupid, but I'm yet to see his intelligent side.

I'm crying!!!!!!!!!!