I readed raws and I started laugh.. really. Of i understand right(may be not hecause I use...

JaneSarang June 8, 2021 11:16 am

I readed raws and I started laugh.. really. Of i understand right(may be not hecause I used papago for translation)


First he will fallen in love with a guy (a guy from chapter 14) and that guy will die when he saved FL. But funfact.. that boy was actually king. King just used magic for chanced his looks. Because he wanted see FL's ture personality. But funfact 2; he fallen in love so hard. After they're engaged again he wont let her wear pretty dresses. Or talking with other men. But she hate him and always crying. So he got annoyed and jealous himself because FL told him "I love other guy but he died so I dont have any reason for love somone" after that he truly turned a obsessed person. And bom! That bitch from 1st life appeared~ but FL just smiled and lst them be together. (There so many political issues) fl just look like "I dont care about you, i loved you in my 1st life but not anymore" but she cried at nights secretly.. whatever.. but ML dont fallen in love with that other bitch and always secretly visited FL at midnights while she is in sleep.. and watch her. But one day FL will notice and they sleept with each other I mean sex you know.. and ML just felt like "heaven" when he hold his beloved one in his arms.. later they learned fl was pregnant and hide that.. (ml dont tell FL abiut how he just pretend a lover for that other bitch so FL just let them go..) and she learned about all truth. How he pretend like a child in academy and later hides his identity from her.. and there was a dragon boy which one kidnapped her. (Yes FL likes her. It's like bella and Jackop from twilight) they stay together for months. Dragon boy never hurt her and actually make her comfortable.. I dont remember so clearly but FL died because of a accident so dragon boy gave his heart's half to her. And so she saved by him... for months Ml just searched her like insane shit.. She nearly lost his mind and finally found their "so called love nest". He got insane even more. He just screamed and thrown tantrums and in a scene FL just explode and told to him "you sleept with that hoe and humiliated me.. so you cant say anything to me" ml just told her "it's not like that! I never sleept with her!" At that moment dragon appears and they fight with each other but FL protect the dragon guy and kissed her.. and they broke up. Lates ml just bring her in castle and she gave birth. And ML just turned a 'lovely doggy husband' for her.

    Quartiii June 8, 2021 11:40 am

    So is the story end like that? She will never love him again? But the dragon part was good sşcmağdkağdma

    JaneSarang June 8, 2021 11:45 am
    So is the story end like that? She will never love him again? But the dragon part was good sşcmağdkağdma Quartiii

    No he will fallen in love again but that was so long and I am so lazy for that puhahahhaahshmxkaksks

    Dream June 8, 2021 12:43 pm

    I like it so she never love him again

    JaneSarang June 8, 2021 1:02 pm
    I like it so she never love him again Dream

    No she will but not like a "pure" love like in the first time. I think she could go with that dragon dude if she was not pregnant but same time I am not sure because you know.. it's hangul and i just used that translation app

    Quartiii June 8, 2021 1:25 pm
    No she will but not like a "pure" love like in the first time. I think she could go with that dragon dude if she was not pregnant but same time I am not sure because you know.. it's hangul and i just used that... JaneSarang

    Noooooo Just go with dragon guy (/TДT)/ but ı am so happy that he is going to suffer stupidly

    Lucy Pandora June 8, 2021 1:42 pm

    Do yuu have any link?