No offense or anything but when did dojin manipulate hye-sung? It is true that his goal was to make hye-sung stay but he didnt manipulate him or anything he just treated him like how hye-sung deserves (to be loved). Hye-sung just needed time to process it and since omega has shorter preggy time than betas it is possible that he didn't bhave enough time to take it all in also because of his trauma with his parents. Dojin never fkn kidnap hyesung!! When hyesung choosed to run away from dojin (the time before he found out they actually bonded) he let hyesung go since it was his choice. At the hospital when the beta asked dojin if hes just gonna give him money like the contract stated he told the beta it was his choice. If ever you were angry at dojin when was jealous at hyesung blushing everytime seeing omegas you just cant just sit still there if you were dojin. If you forget about it being omegaverse and just picture someone you like attracted to others of course you'd feel jealous too. If ever dojin did make some mistakes you just cant ignore that nobody is perfect and hes still a person just like dojin, hyesung have many imperfections too as well as other characters but we still love them because they are great people and lovable if you look at the big picture and not only criticize the things you think the characters imperfections are

U r ryt. But I'm betting if dojin was a woman and did that to hyesung, ppl here would have lost their shit and would constantly be hating this.
People keep saying "nobody can be perfect" to defend dojin like?? Bruh rape apologists, these people are.
And it's so uncomfortable reading the ending chapters when dojin is very buff, hyesung looks like a child. That was another this that made me uncomfortable reading this comic. Hyesyng looks like he's 10 and it feels very weird.

Damn if you dont like how hyesung looks then dont read it. Theres actually more yaoi out there that have legit underaged characters hate on those. When I said nobody is perfect I wasnt talking about how dojin raped hyesung im just kinda disagreeing why would you only hate dojin. didnt hyesung technically rape dojin too? Im not just justifying the rape part aren't we talking about dojin manipulating hyesung not dojin raping hyesung

Hyesung never raped dojin. He went into heat, it's not his fault, all this is actually discussed in the story, but it was brushed over so people might not have caught it. Hyesung is not some pushover. I've read this story many times because it actually gets funny at times.
I'm not saying hyesung is a flawless character, de does get annoying at times but irl, dojin would have been in jail for doing all that.

No offense, I'm open to discuss but please to everyone who wants to talk here, don't be disrespectful.
He does it constantly, but it's masked with "i love you, I'll take good care of you etc" the thing is, Hye-sung is all the time wanting to leave and is being pressured to accept that. I mean if u love someone and that person don't want to, it's not an "this person needs to precess i love they" it's a, ok i'll take my leave thing, if not, is harrasing.
Frist, make someone have a baby for money it's an abusive thing, irl surrogacy it's forcing a person who needs money to go through all of that to just get a baby that u can just adopt lol, and here is worst bcs he makes a deal to try to make him stay by his side. I put that example bcs Hye-sung just wanted money out of "I'm being used so I'll take money at least from this but i won't be responsible of the baby" so yeah, he don't want kids, Dojin makes him get it
Secondly about kidnapping thing, i didn't mean Dojin, i was talking about Donjin's friend, he basically lied, and kidnapped him while he is always telling him hi is a bad person for wanting to run away and that he's a lowerclass and taking advantage when he's a victim, but i won't be mean with him bcs he actually tries to help him and feel sorry for his situation even not knowing it all. But no problem i understand the misunderstanding in my writing.
Dojin let's him go bcs he knows Hye-sung hates him (he say it) Dojin feels guilt and knows he made him go through a lot and he does that when Hye-sung is actually in his lowest, as result Hye-sung tries to start again in a incredibly bad way and has to come back bcs he has nothing left but guilty when it's not his fault, and as u said about bonded thing, when he tries to have segs with another person and it's bonded, he came back broken bcs he can't actually choose nothing else but Dojin, and he does that crying i felt sick reading that, i don't feel like it's cute or loved, i see it as he can't actually run away or choose another life anymore.
Talking about the omega attraction Hye-sung has, I'm not blaming Dojin for jealousy or at least wasn't my intention, i just feel sad for Hye-sung bcs as he said, he liked them since the start of the history and never could try it. but I'll blame Dojin for not suggest him to top him lol
And about Dojin just wanting to love him and the "he just needed to process" nah, Dojin needs therapy, Hye-sung he needed space and being respected, as his decisions, but man there's a point where out of being rapped he wanted to go with his friend from school bcs he says he knows him better so he'll feel safer and Dojin ends raping him out of jealousy like mmmmman go to jail, now.
And yeah, i can understand characters are imperfect, there's a lot of good history's where they are and grow or not and everything has a bittersweet point of reality, gotta say this would be an amazing plot for an obsessive and dark history as legs that won't walk for example, it could shown how broken can make someone an unhealthy love relationship, how terrible "love" can be used, how bad people can be and show what abuse acts truly are (not romanticed with "i just love they so much i can't control myself") but see how here it's all masked as cute and lovely i makes me uncomfortable asf, it's also dangerous if minors read this and end up romanticing about being abused or in abusive relationships.

It's not a thing of leave people enjoy things, i don't mind if someone hates something i like, people is free to have their own opinions and tastes and opinate about it as u're free to enjoy it, and i'm free to don't, but if i talk about this history is not to talk shit, it's bcs this has dangerous ways of show thigs. Also don't worry, i already hate pedophyles, but the thing here it's that i complain bcs read it thinking they were adults but he looks like a child so it's creepy.
About rape, i invite u to read chap 14 where Hye-sung cries and tells him if he's done and tells Dojin to get out.
Also yeah u all can justify the pheromone thing like "they get out of control" i don't blame u, it's actually omegaverse fault bcs it romantices rape, but it is what it is, rape. If someone get's drugged and has not really power on their acts or says and it's forced to have sex and can't run away, would u say it's not rape bcs the drug? Here its the same but worst bcs they make it looks like victims "enjoy" it. So if people point it out it's bcs this rape actually traumatice and fuck up people for their whole lifes and it's not a thing to take lightly so it's up to u all to learn.
Anyways, i'm not trying to make u guilty for enjoy this history, i mean i enjoyed one side couple, i just find some things in it disgusting and wanted to see if someone has an opinion like mine.

U're righttttt and yeah they all have their shit, except Yoo Kyungsoo, that man is just wholesome.
I also re-read this one to try to understand why it made me feel unconfortable, so i feel ya, what i don't understand is why this history is like this when "if u hate me so" it's that well done nice job in my opinion, like thefuk happened author?

same honestly the only couple that i like is heesoo and dojun. the others are problematic esp this one. at first i really hated hyesung for being so ungrateful bc dojin is portrayed as a "devoted husband". ive said this alot of times. ik he's nice, super nice, would literally give up anything for hyesoo but hyesoo was fucking 21, not ready to have a kid, had issues (that hinders his love life and how he trust someone) and the way dojin pushed his way into hyesoo's world is just not it! and hes a fucking pro-lifer hyesoo told him that HE DIDNT LIKE DOJIN AND HE DOESNT WANT TO HAVE A BABY but dojin still "force" him to keep the baby god pls explain why it's ok. and this one may be personal opinion but hes pretty forceful at sex sometimes it feels like rape. im not saying dojin is the worst or something like that but i think hes a good dad but certainly not as perfect as everyone said he is

You're nothing but right, thanks for sharing ur point i really liked how u explained it,, i agree with everything. Tbh i was really mad at Dojin but u're right he's potrayed as a good man but yeah he just made me mad constantly forcing everything on his way making Hye-sung's opinions nothing but jokes or tantrums. FUCK PROLIFES and also i think it's actually rape, i mean the omegaverse thing mask it as "nah we're just uncontrolable" but bruh that's no excuse, they sexualice this shit and it's fkn sick. I also like that couple too! but i have a soft side with Yoo Kyungsoo, Choowon meh, he needs theraphy too.

this was my first omegaverse manga and i thought it was normal for them to have sex without consent caused by pheromones but take a look at kiraide issate they (esp ALPHAS) could control it if they choose to. tbh i wouldn't have so much problem with this manga if the readers agreed that dojin is not all that. it makes me sick how everyone was like "dojin is the perfect husband to an ungrateful hyesung". i have no problem w kyungsoo too! i think hes really nice and patient but chowon... errrr

I tought the same with my first, but then i read megumi and tsugumi and was like waaait a minute. Also thanks for the rec! It looks pretty and soft i'll give it a read.
And yeah u're right, i didn't came here to ruin anybody's fun i couldn't care less, it just feels weird that i dind't seen anybody point it, but yeah ppl should't rage bcs of that, i mean it's ok to be a simp but don't worship like a sect lol
Anyways i'm glad people who talked here had manners either way i would ended to taking a dislike to the piece bcs of the fandom.
The main couple makes me sad and uncomfortable asf
The omega suffers the whole plot, he don't want to have a baby and yet it's manipulated to, he wants to experience more life and discover himself (sexually for example with that part where he likes omegas too) and it's forced to do what the alpha wants, constantly with everything, it's an abusive relationship and u see all the time how the victim ends having to accept things that don't want to and also being menospreciated by the fkn kid who lied to him and basically kidnapped him. I can't feel the cute part here.