Its fantastic, but as the others have put, it is very dark at times, and does feature rape. You can read the 16+ version offsite which I think doesn't go into detail of it, but this version (18+) does show it. It doesn't really go into the detail of it, its really not a smut story, but you should be aware its there. There is a warning at the start of the chapter when it happens though, and it only happens twice.
If you are okay with dark themes, its an amazing story, especially if you're interested in Egyptian mythology. From what I know of Egyptian myth from university, its pretty accurate to the source material, and has a plot that actually explains a lot of the gaps in Egyptian myth. I was thoroughly impressed by how well justified certain events, motivations, it actually made the myths make more sense to me imo haha
is this worth reading? (≧∀≦)