thoughts !! (don’t expect good stuff)

rimmytimbers June 8, 2021 8:10 am

it was a good manga. except for the incest, pedophilia, grooming, fujoshi, mlm fetishization, and there’s just so many things wrong w it

i liked cuz the main character’s pov was relatable in a sense like internal issues when you’re discovering your sexuality. i cried cuz they portrayed it very well but i think this manga shouldn’t receive any more recognition other than that. it does show how vulnerable humans can really be when we are lost but the way they portrayed it made it as if it should be normalized and it’s just so disturbing and uncomfortable to sit through it.

first of all, mr fahrenheit. middle schooler, toxic household, likes his cousin, std, suicide. i just hated it. it could’ve been another person just not their family member. this manga addresses these issues in lgbtq+ community as a whole but these stereotypes are vv harmful.

second, that older guy mc was having an affair with. he fucking liked his son. OWN SON. DO YOU REALIZE HOW WRONG THAT IS?? i don’t want excuses like “ofc bitch he knows he’s pathetic that’s why he blah blah blah” the way mc said “oh for you to be able to label yourself that…” HES INSINUATING THAT HES MORE THAN JUST BEING A PEDO WTF. looked at how that guy groomed the mc. disgusting. his actions are unjustifiable.

ofc i hated the homophobes like that guy who exposed mc and i wouldn’t forgive him tbh but ig they were part of the story and it was kinda good but THE FUJOSHI GOD I HATED HER the fact that they think “oppressed” fujoshis should be given light and they’re more than just ppl fetishizing mlm

    rimmytimbers June 23, 2021 3:40 pm


    she was the biggest homophobe i’ve ever seen and she was just creepy. i get that ppl can still have a “straight” looking relationship and still be the otherwise but the girl FORCED herself onto him. she wasn’t trying to understand him and was gaslighting him. idk bruv i just hate the way she reacted when she discovered the mc being gay cuz i thought she would be the most neutral considering her being exposed to topics like that but no i realized how much fetishization takes place in bl content. DISGUSTINGGG. i can’t imagine how uncomfortable it would be if i were in the mc’s position while i have a person like her being a fucking creep. the speech was horrible like if that was “inspiring” to you, eat shit HAHA and it’s just her that ruined everything. like man go fuck yourself homophobe. i can go on and on about how much i hated her in each panel but that’s too much hatred for me so negativity GONE

    I LOVE THE BEST FRIEND THOUGH. HE WAS THE ONE WHO SUPPORTED MC ALL THE WAY. he was a tad confused and maybe suspicious but it was just him being dense but curious at the same time. I LIKE HIM.

    overall, i don’t recommend it. there’s better representation from other mangas than this one.