Don't get me wrong.. i like this manga and been following this from a long time now.. but ...

Iris June 8, 2021 7:57 am

Don't get me wrong.. i like this manga and been following this from a long time now.. but i fucking hate the relationship between Haruki and Aki.. Aki to begin with is/was a giglo.. it's not a bad thing but his choice of being a giglo makes him more pathetic (atleast in my eyes). Well, let's not get into that coz Haruki loved him even after knowing about Aku.. Anyways, Aki literally half raped Haruki.. Why? Was it needed? Will you love a guy who was about to rape you when you gave him your place to stay?? Just coz you love him?? I don't understand why rapey concept is so okayish in BLs.. i guess Haruki deserves better coz no one deserves to end up with their rapist himself right? On top of it a giglo..(even haruki loves him i still can't get over the past tho)
It was my POV if I'm wrong then please do correct me..

    Iris June 8, 2021 8:09 am

    Oh yes.. plus it was stated before that being in a band it'll be bad for them to be in a homosexual relationship between their team members but being a giglo is okay? I'm not throwing hate on this one but i literally confused for that point from a very long time so please explain someone..
    Also i would like to clear that the above rant i threw was my pov and what i personally think putting myself in that situation and taking Haruki's side more.. No hate to giglos.. they also deserved to be loved okay but rapist don't..

    Swan June 8, 2021 1:41 pm

    Ok I can’t change your mind about anything and I don’t care to but if what you want is an explanation I can try to give you that. So first you say you don’t hate gigolos but you also don’t respect him for being one, idk that one’s you I guess? He had everything and nothing when he was with Ugestu, it was a toxic relationship they were in and they put each other through hell, so Aki didn’t really care about much outside the band, he also wouldn’t do anything that would hurt the band. Aki was seen as wild in school but it wasn’t (at least not that I noticed) well known that he didn’t always live at home. Also he isn’t really a gigolo, he has part time jobs and loves with ugetsu but when they fight he sleeps literally anywhere he can but they don’t pay for him or pay him to have sex with him so he isn’t a gigolo. Now the Haruki situation, this you may see as you see fit but I’ve read that chapter multiple times and Haruki is ok with having sex with Aki. He’s surprised and confused, but ultimately he wants to be with Aki. He even tells him “you day that when we were about to have sex...” meaning to me that he thought that’s where it was going. He was being forceful yes but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t consensual in the end.

    Swan June 8, 2021 2:00 pm
    Ok I can’t change your mind about anything and I don’t care to but if what you want is an explanation I can try to give you that. So first you say you don’t hate gigolos but you also don’t respect him f... Swan

    The way interpreted that scene it isn’t sa or rape, but if you think/feel it is then again I’m not trying to change your mind this is just how I interpreted that scene. In japanese it’s been said people don’t interpret the “no” “wait” “ stop” (depending on the context, this is important”) as them actually wanting to stop is more being overwhelmed by sensation and not knowing what to do. I believe Haruki wanted anything Aki gave him as he stated he would give him anything. If it ended badly it wasn’t because he attempted rape but because of Aki stopped it as he hit rock bottom. Haruki wasn’t pissed about the sex but rather Aki’s confession. It was a sucky situation but I don’t see it as rape. In Japan beign gay and in a gay relationship isn’t accepted yet, especially in public. In Japan people believe that anything not accepted by society should stay hidden from the public so it is a concern. Also relationships in bands tend not to be a good thing for their longevity. Again he isn’t a gigolo so that wouldn’t affect them, and Aki’s changed for good he demonstrated as much. He’s trying for Aki’s sake because he saved him and his music. I think being willing to change and be better for those you love is the most noble thing you can do. They’re my personal favorite couple on Given.

    Iris June 8, 2021 2:03 pm
    Ok I can’t change your mind about anything and I don’t care to but if what you want is an explanation I can try to give you that. So first you say you don’t hate gigolos but you also don’t respect him f... Swan got my point mixed up i guess.. Aki himself said he is a giglo at some point right? Also it's like being a giglo is okay but not for me(i was putting myself in that situation) not that i don't respect them, it's their occupation for whatever reason they are doing it. It goes for money, sexual satisfaction or for a place to stay or anything, it's their choice. That's why i said I'm not gonna talk about that topic.. As for Haruki situation i still don't feel like an okay situation and he(Aki) will remind me of a to-be-rapist everytime i see him.. idk it's just a psychological thing I've got in my mind so.. but as you said if Haruki feels okay then maybe bl concept of neutralizing the forcing them down their bed is okay too..

    Iris June 8, 2021 2:09 pm
    The way interpreted that scene it isn’t sa or rape, but if you think/feel it is then again I’m not trying to change your mind this is just how I interpreted that scene. In japanese it’s been said people d... Swan

    I do agree on the belief of character development kinda mangas.. and every single one of the character is developing on it's own pace and that's the reason I'm sticking to this piece of art.. it's just that particular couple which I don't really like coz the development is not so realistic in my opinion coz I don't think one will be so compromising in a relationship to accept their flaws to the point they seems weak(I'm taking about haruki). Anyways thanks for telling.. it is now making some sense as i was a bit confused so..

    Miliana June 8, 2021 2:43 pm

    I’m agree, I hate their relationship so much, it’s was rushed, feel like it was just for the fan service maybe…. He literally almost ra-pe him, and he sexual assault him, and everyone act like it’s ok because haruki forgive him, and because he didn’t say « stop » but « slow » I mean ? Look at his face dose it seems ok ? No absolutely not
    Akihiko had a inferiority problem,
    Tbh Akiharu relationship destroyed haruki character
    He deserve better, better than akihiko
    Honestly I was waiting more for given than « rapist »

    Iris June 8, 2021 2:59 pm
    I’m agree, I hate their relationship so much, it’s was rushed, feel like it was just for the fan service maybe…. He literally almost ra-pe him, and he sexual assault him, and everyone act like it’s ok b... Miliana

    Yeah.. Haruki is the Moe character of this comic for me thoughhe is such a sweetheart and mature and takes care of everyone in it's own way.. and seeing him ending up like that hurts..

    OhnoOhnoOhnonononono June 9, 2021 5:34 am

    You are the only one. Just hopped the author made a scene where Aki would have a much more mental breakdown because Haruki won't pay attention to him and was giving more attention to a new male character. I know it's cliche but I wanna see him in pain HAHAHAH (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ sorry I know I'm weird

    OhnoOhnoOhnonononono June 9, 2021 5:34 am
    You are the only one. Just hopped the author made a scene where Aki would have a much more mental breakdown because Haruki won't pay attention to him and was giving more attention to a new male character. I kno... OhnoOhnoOhnonononono

    You are not the only one*

    blueinn June 9, 2021 2:02 pm
    I’m agree, I hate their relationship so much, it’s was rushed, feel like it was just for the fan service maybe…. He literally almost ra-pe him, and he sexual assault him, and everyone act like it’s ok b... Miliana

    he didnt almost r*p* haruki. it was a mistranslation.

    Miliana June 9, 2021 2:29 pm
    he didnt almost r*p* haruki. it was a mistranslation. blueinn

    A mistranslation ? No, I have the manga, and it’s not just a mistranslation
    Look at haruki face, It’s a mistranslation too ? No
    « Stop » or « wait » doesn’t change the fact that akihiko sexual harass him

    Iris June 9, 2021 2:40 pm
    A mistranslation ? No, I have the manga, and it’s not just a mistranslationLook at haruki face, It’s a mistranslation too ? No « Stop » or « wait » doesn’t change the fact that akihiko sexual ha... Miliana

    Lol leave it..just coz it's a comic, some people won't understand the depth of Aki's action. Plus almost everyone already neutralized in BL comics about the relationship between rapist/bully seme and an innocent uke just because uke loves him and forgive him and eventually seme also realises his wrong doing at last and falls for uke. It sucks but what to do? Just add some sex scenes and happy moments of them talking, cuddling etc etc and then they become happy perfect couple to the readers eye.. it's funny yet pathetic to see that..

    Miliana June 9, 2021 3:07 pm
    Lol leave it..just coz it's a comic, some people won't understand the depth of Aki's action. Plus almost everyone already neutralized in BL comics about the relationship between rapist/bully seme and an innocen... Iris

    Ik i have to stop answer to those ridiculous people but, I can’t, I mean if you want to like Akiharu relationship then do it, but don’t act like akihiko is an angel, and what he did was ok, or just a mistranslation please thats the worst
    But thank you !
    you just explained what i was thinking, and you SO right, that’s exactly what happen during chapter 40… yep that’s so pathetic

    Bs4u June 9, 2021 4:03 pm

    I mean didn’t Aki do that cause he felt like he had no choice and he needed money?? Can’t really blame the guy

    Iris June 9, 2021 5:07 pm
    I mean didn’t Aki do that cause he felt like he had no choice and he needed money?? Can’t really blame the guy Bs4u

    We're NOT blaming him for being a giglo...
    WE ARE BLAMING HIM COZ HE ALMOST RAPED HARUKI.....just coz he stopped and didn't shoved his dick in haruki's ass doesn't prove his innocence and declare he's a sort of angel goshh