I think Nagisa's actually a boy and Nagi's a girl... Am I wrong??!! If I'm right then the ...

wateva July 6, 2016 8:12 am

I think Nagisa's actually a boy and Nagi's a girl... Am I wrong??!! If I'm right then the Prince's falling for the guy shounen-ai* when is it going to be updated??? I love gender bender stories...

    Shinkyuu July 6, 2016 8:49 am

    Nagi is a boy, and nagisa is the girl... nagi was the other twin that look up to the karate kid m.c. when they were younger... now that he knows karate, he can now protect his twin sister by switching with her.. to protect her against maniacs .. and btw also because her sister is clueless about the dangers of life...

    Shinkyuu July 6, 2016 8:52 am

    Oh.. this was also dropped.. but there was an unscanlated chapters after this though... lets all imagine what will happen next...
    There are also many mangas that sensei have.. but they are not scanlated and some are not free.. i think its in renta.com..?

    Anonymous July 6, 2016 9:07 am
    Oh.. this was also dropped.. but there was an unscanlated chapters after this though... lets all imagine what will happen next... There are also many mangas that sensei have.. but they are not scanlated and so... Shinkyuu

    Dropped?!?! Why?!

    wateva July 8, 2016 12:35 am
    Nagi is a boy, and nagisa is the girl... nagi was the other twin that look up to the karate kid m.c. when they were younger... now that he knows karate, he can now protect his twin sister by switching with her.... Shinkyuu

    YYeaaa... You explained it better why is it dropped?!! Is sensei dead??!! Or did something happened to her/him????

    Shinkyuu July 8, 2016 9:16 am

    Dont think bad things for the reasons why mangas are dropped... Its ,maybe, the series just didnt sell well, or the publishers did not click with the story.. And some authors ho in a veeeery long hiatus. Like the author of d.n. Angel / 1000 knights..

    wateva July 10, 2016 8:04 am
    Dont think bad things for the reasons why mangas are dropped... Its ,maybe, the series just didnt sell well, or the publishers did not click with the story.. And some authors ho in a veeeery long hiatus. Like t... Shinkyuu

    Well... Didn't mean to put that badly but its always those reasons why many mangas are dropped!!! (The one that I read anyway) although I've bought some of their volumes... They always left me hanging... Without giving me reason why!!! That's why...